3 Beginner-Friendly AI Tricks to Earn $150 Daily Online

Making Money Online Quickly

So one of the most common questions that I get quite regularly on this channel is, I need to make money online in the quickest way possible because I need $200, even up to $500 by the end of the week.” But there is a couple different side hustles out there that you’re going to be able to utilize the power of AI when it comes to making money in the quickest way possible. So I thought you know what, let me make this article today showing you what you need to do step by step so that you can be in a position where you could potentially have $100, $200, even $500 by the end of the week.

Offering Services to Business Owners

All right so jumping straight into one of the first ways of being able to make money online in the quickest way possible, which is to offer a service to a business owner that needs that service done. In my opinion, I would say that this is one of the quickest ways to make money because if you’re able to understand the steps that goes into finding the right business owners that need a service done and you don’t even have to do it yourself because you can use the power of AI, you’re definitely going to be able to make well over $300, $400,000 again if you’re able to follow the steps.

Finding Businesses That Need Websites

So your only job realistically is to know exactly how to find all of these local businesses that need these websites and of course you need to know exactly which AI tools to use. But what I want to quickly do is give you guys a quick walkthrough of what’s involved when it comes to doing this. So one of the first things is to obviously figure out which types of businesses may be operating but doesn’t have a website and the way that you’re going to be able to do that is to go onto something like ChatGPT because once you’re on here all you need to do is just type in a simple prompt, something along the lines of “Give me 10 small business types that may be operating but also don’t have a website,” something like this and then click on submit.

Using Google Maps to Find Local Businesses

And as you guys can see it’s now come back with all of these different options, you know things like food trucks, home cleaning services, personal trainers, tutor and services and the one that I’m going to use in today’s example is this one over here, number five, lawn care and landscaping. So what I’ll do from this point is just head over to Google Maps because Google Maps is a directory that has all of the different businesses all around the world. So just simply go over to Google, type in maps just like this, then what I’m going to do is just type in “landscaping in Birmingham.” Birmingham is a city in the UK. You’re going to be able to use any city all around the world but I’m just going to use this one in this example.

Identifying Businesses Without Websites

And as you can see it’s now come back with all of these different results and the way that you’re going to be able to figure out which ones currently have a website and which ones don’t is by this website icon over here. So this one has a website, this one doesn’t have a website, this one has a website, this one doesn’t have a website and your job from here is going to be to simply go through this entire list and try and find their email address using a specific method. So there’s this one that doesn’t have a website so what I’ll literally do is copy their name just like this then head over to Google paste their name in there just like that and I’ll would say that 50% of the time you’re going to notice that they’ve got a Facebook profile.

Finding Contact Information

So what you need to do from here is just click into it just like this and then this is where you’re going to be able to now see whether or not if the company is still active and you’re also going to be able to find their email address. So literally from that point all you’re going to do is go through the exact same process, build up a list of 20, 30, 50, 100, a thousand different emails for various different businesses that do not have a website. Use something like ChatGPT, Google Gemini when it comes to constructing the emails that you’re going to send out to all of them and as long as you’ve made sure to contact them in a professional way some of them are going to get back to you and you’re going to be able to charge as high as $1,000, $700, $500, whatever you want to charge really when it comes to building the website.

Using Hostinger to Build Websites

And the tool that you’re going to use to do so is Hostinger. So if you click the link in my description down below you’re going to be able to access Hostinger when it comes to creating the account and once you followed through the steps of building your Hostinger account it’s going to take you to this page where it’s going to say “Let AI create a website in minutes.” So just click on start creating, you’re then going to have to fill out the details for the business that you’re working with. So in this case I’m going to use this landscaping company as an example, just put the brand name for the business, website type and a short description, something like this. You can keep it super simple and as you guys can see it was able to build the website for me and literally all you got to do from this point is send a screen recording of the website to the business owner.

Finalizing the Website and Getting Paid

They’re of course going to come back with some changes, once they’re happy with everything they’re then going to transfer you the money and you’re going to now hand the website over to them and again you’re going to be able to repeat this process over and over again. Now I’ve got another video coming out real soon where I’m going to walk you guys through the entire process from A to Z where I’m going to show you all of the little steps that you need to be aware of from finding the clients and just everything you need to know when it comes to actually receiving the money. So if you want me to quickly make that video then put in the comments down below “Do the AI work from home job video” and I’ll get onto it ASAP.

Promoting Products on ClickBank

But swiftly moving on to the second option that you have when it comes to making money online in the fastest way possible which is using AI to promote products on ClickBank. Now for those of you that don’t know what ClickBank is, it’s a marketplace that you can sign up to, it’s going to be dependent on what country you live in but you’re going to be able to sign up to it and have the option to promote any one of the different products that’s on it. But as a quick disclaimer when it comes to successfully getting someone to click on your ClickBank affiliate link and buying the product or service, there is going to be a delay when it comes to the actual payout so this is something that you need to bear in mind.

Organic and Paid Promotion Methods

Now when it comes to the strategy of promoting products on ClickBank you’ve got two different options. You can either use an organic method which is going to take a little bit longer or you can use a paid method and I want to show you two different examples of people that are doing these two different methods right now as we speak. So first things first if I just jump into my ClickBank account, the category that I’m going to be using as an example today is the spirituality, new age and alternative beliefs one. So I’m just going to click into it just like this. From here you’re going to be able to see all of these different types of products.

Selecting a ClickBank Product to Promote

Now one of the first things that I’m going to do is pick out a random one so let’s use this one over here as an example, Billionaire Brain Wave. For whatever product that you’re thinking about promoting just make sure that you click into it and you read up on exactly what it is, how it works so that you’re going to be able to promote it to the best of your ability and you don’t want to promote something that you’re not comfortable promoting as well. So again I’m going to use this one as an example. So the name of the product is Billionaire Brainwave and let’s start off with someone that’s currently promoting it right now successfully using the organic method.

Organic Promotion on Instagram

So I’m just going to open up my iPhone and set up a screen recording and I’m going to go on to Instagram. So I’ve just typed in the name of the product up there as you can see and there’s all of these different reels and images that people are uploading every day but there’s this one over here if I just click into it. So as you can see it’s a very simple R that you’re going to be able to create on something like Canva in a matter of seconds. It’s not complicated at all but yet they was able to get over 5,000 likes and of course this page is established, they’ve been consistent when it comes to building it up and they get 10 of thousands of likes every single day.

Checking ClickBank Affiliate Links

But if I just click on the link in their bio as you can see it instantly takes me directly to this ClickBank affiliate page and I know that it’s a ClickBank page because you can clearly see the name of the product at the top as well as the name of ClickBank right there as well. And the interesting thing is they’re not the only ones that’s doing this because if I just go back and click into another reel, just click into this one, again it’s another simple R that anyone can make. If I just go over to their profile and then click on the link in their bio again, they are promoting the exact same product.

Understanding the Organic Method

So this is basically how the organic method works, it’s just going to come down to you uploading all of these different RS and in the link in your bio you’re going to link the affiliate offer that you found on ClickBank. But as I already told you guys when it comes to this organic method it is going to take some time for you to build up traction so if you are patient when it comes to wanting to build up an online source of income this is definitely an option that you can try.

Searching for Successful Ads

So if I just jump back onto ClickBank and copy the name of this product, come back onto Video Ad Vault, paste it in there just like that and then click on search and then sort the video ad views from highest to lowest. As you guys can see there’s all of these different people that are running all of these different ads to the product right now and if I just play this one over here as you guys can see it’s a very simple video that you’re going to be able to use AI when it comes to generating it. And bear in mind guys that everything I’m showing you now is an example of how this works. All I’m trying to emphasize is that you’ve got the option of either running YouTube ads to a ClickBank offer or if you wanted to upload short form content you can do that as well and you can use this tool over here when it comes to spying on the ads that people are running right now as we speak.

AI-Generated Drop Shipping Stores

But moving on to the final option that I’m going to speak about in this article when it comes to utilizing the power of AI to make money online in the fastest way possible which is by building an AI generated drop shipping store. So when it comes to drop shipping I would say that the most important things is number one knowing what is the best product to sell, number two knowing how to put that product in front of the right customer and of course number three knowing how to build your store in the quickest way possible. And when it comes to all of these different steps there’s so many different ways that you’re going to be able to integrate AI when it comes to speeding up the process.

Loading Products and Getting Customers

And all you’re going to have to do from that point is load it with the right winning products. There’s even softwares nowadays that’s going to take away the hard work when it comes to copy and pasting the products from your supplier website directly onto your store and just generally speaking when it comes to getting customers onto your store there’s a certain process that goes into that where you’re going to be able to utilize AI as well. Now I don’t want this video to be too long so if you want to check out another article that I made recently where I walk you through all of the steps that goes into this particular process you’re going to be able to check that article.