28 Apr, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Common Law Marriage California

  common law marriage California establishes the same legal rights and responsibilities between partners as a licensed marriage, without going through the formalities to obtain a marriage certificate. To understand common law marriages fully, couples need to know the requirements, how it is proven and terminated, the differences from traditional matrimony, and the implications for […]

18 mins read

One Woman’s Contract Marriage Story | My Mom Entered a Contract Marriage Spoilers

Introduction of My Mom Entered a Contract Marriage Spoilers When I first learned that my mom had entered into a contract marriage, I was completely shocked. Never in a million years did I think she would agree to marry a total stranger! But desperate times call for desperate measures, and in my mom’s case, a […]

18 mins read

Marriage Heat: Strategies for Lasting Passion and Connection

Intro Marriage Heat Marriage heat refers to keeping passion, romance, and sexual chemistry thriving in your long-term relationship. While the exciting fire of early courtship may evolve over years of partnership, it doesn’t have to fizzle out. With attentiveness, understanding, and devoted effort, it’s possible to maintain excitement, intimacy and attraction for the long haul. […]

23 mins read