4 Laid-Back Online Moneymakers for 2024

Video Overview

And in today’s article, I want to walk you through the step-by-step method that you need to be aware of when it comes to putting yourself in a position where you can potentially make money like this. And just for the record, this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. You’re going to have to put the effort into it, you’re going to have to put the work into it, and I’m also not saying that you’re going to be able to make this money overnight. But by understanding the key fundamentals that I’m going to talk about in this video, before you know it, you’re going to put yourself in a position where again, you’re going to be able to hopefully get to the point where you’re bringing in a decent amount of income just like this.

Affiliate Programs

Now one of the first steps that you need to take when it comes to starting this is to sign up to an affiliate program and get your affiliate link. And by affiliate link, for those of you that’s never heard of this concept before, is something that you’re going to get. It’s going to be unique to you, and when someone clicks on that link and they buy that product or service, the company that you’re promoting is going to know that you sent that customer their way. Everything is going to be tracked in the back end and you’re going to earn something called an affiliate commission.

Getting Started

There’s so many different ways that you can get started with this. If you wanted to show your face on camera, you wanted to use your own voice, you can definitely do that. But if you didn’t want to go down that route, you can also use AI Bots to assist you when it comes to getting this business up and running. Now when it comes to finding your affiliate link, I would recommend going onto an affiliate Marketplace, something similar to impact. This isn’t the only one out there, but the reason why I recommend using something like this is because they’ve got hundreds if not thousands of different companies that you can sign up to.

Affiliate Marketplaces

Using an affiliate Marketplace like this, you can kind of trust that everything is being tracked in the back end as it should, and you’re also going to be able to build up your profile on something like impact.com, which is going to make it a lot easier when it comes time for you to start applying for other affiliate programs that you want to sign up to. So I’m going to quickly log into my account and show you exactly what the interface looks like.

Impact Account Interface

Okay, so I’ve just logged into my impact account and as I said, there’s all of these different companies. Some of them I’ve heard of, some of them I haven’t. That’s something you’re going to notice as well, that not every single one you’re going to know. For example, there’s companies like Upwork, you probably heard of them. There’s also companies like Coinbase, you probably heard of them as well. So my recommendation to any of you that are watching is to scroll through and find a company that you believe you’re going to be able to promote to the best of your ability.

Choosing a Company

And what I mean by that is you want to find a company that maybe you’re passionate about, maybe you’ve used it in the past, maybe you’ve got some sort of basic knowledge on it, and you also want to make sure that people are actively searching for whatever product or company that you’re thinking about promoting. And the way that you can figure that out is by going over to Google Trends. So to give you an example of what I’m talking about, let me quickly go over to Google Trends and see if people are searching for Coinbase. This is a company that I recently signed up to to start promoting and they recently accepted me, but let me quickly see if people are actively searching for Coinbase.

Google Trends

Okay perfect, so right there as you can see over the past 90 days, there’s been a consistent number of people going onto Google to search for this keyword. This doesn’t automatically mean that you’re going to be successful, but it kind of indicates that there is some interest with it, which means that if you was to put your affiliate link out there on the internet, there’s a chance that people are going to click on it, sign up to it and purchase whatever it is. But once you found whatever product or service that you’re happy to start promoting, you do need to apply for it and it is going to be a period that you’re going to have to wait to be accepted.

Application Process

That’s something that you need to understand about all of these different affiliate networks and marketplaces. You can’t just go onto it, see a company, see a product and get your affiliate link straight away. You’re going to need to apply to it and go through the sign up process and wait to be accepted. So let me quickly show you how it works. If I just click on apply, all you’re going to need to do is write a short sentence as to why you believe that you’re going to be a good affiliate when it comes to whatever product that you’re trying to promote.

Applying for Programs

So I’m just going to type in something brief. You can pause it on the screen right now, but all you’re going to need to do is click on apply and again, you’re going to need to wait whilst your application is pending the review process. But as I said earlier, I’ve already signed up to Coinbase, I already know that people are actively searching for it. So what I’m going to do now is show you the next step that you need to do once you’ve been accepted to the program that you’ve signed up to, which is that you need to start driving traffic to your affiliate link.

Driving Traffic

And my advice to anyone out there is to use either Google or YouTube when it comes to building up awareness for your affiliate links because these are the two most visited Platforms in the entire world. In addition to that, millions and billions of people are going onto these two platforms every single day to search for information about various different topics, and this is where you’re now going to be able to come in and place your affiliate Link in front of them for you to be able to earn commissions even when you’re fast asleep.

Google vs YouTube

If you want to go down the Google route, what you’re going to do is build a website and place your affiliate links on a Blog website. But if you want to go down the route of YouTube, what you can do if you don’t want to show your face on camera, you don’t want to use your own voice, is to start a faceless YouTube channel. And the AI bot that you can use when it comes to creating these faceless videos is Invid AI. It’s a very simple tool. All you need to do is enter information about the video that you want it to make and it’s going to be able to generate the video in less than 2 minutes.

Promoting Coinbase

And of course, since the affiliate product that I’m going to be promoting that’s going to assist me when it comes to earning PayPal income is going to be Coinbase, I need to make sure that the videos that I’m going to be producing on my faceless YouTube channel have something to do with Coinbase. It’s going to attract the audience that’s most likely going to sign up to Coinbase. So in saying that, the channel obviously needs to be about cryptocurrency. And creating a YouTube channel isn’t difficult. It’s going to take you less than 10 minutes to get everything set up.

Setting Up a YouTube Channel

All you need is a name for the channel, you need a profile image and you also need a channel Banner as well. Again, it’s not difficult to set up a YouTube channel. Don’t let this prevent you from being able to earn PayPal income. Get it set up, put the work in when it comes to creating the channel. Takes less than 5 minutes and I would say that the hardest part is going to be producing your video. But with the help of Invid AI, most of the work is going to be taken off your hands.

VidIQ Tool

Now when it comes to knowing what videos to make, the tool that I would advise that you use is VidIQ. Using VidIQ in combination with Invid AI, it’s going to spark ideas and it’s going to streamline the process when it comes to the type of videos that you’re going to be publishing. And as you can see, I’ve just logged into my VidIQ account and they’ve got this useful feature over here called AI chat where you can have a one-on-one conversation with it. And because VidIQ is one of the biggest YouTube softwares out there, they’ve got a big database when it comes to the type of videos that are potentially going to do well.

Generating Video Ideas

So the question that I’m going to ask it is: “I have an affiliate link for Coinbase and I want to make money promoting it with a faceless YouTube channel. Can you give me 10 video ideas for this channel where the viewer does not need to see the Coinbase interface as my AI video maker will use generic stock overlays?” So basically what I’m asking VidIQ to do is give me video ideas that don’t necessarily require me to show Coinbase, but yet there’s still a likelihood that people are going to click on my Coinbase link.

VidIQ Response

This is something that you’re going to need to be aware of as well because whatever product that you’re going to promote, you may not be able to have access to it, but yet you still want to be able to build up an audience that’s going to click on your link and buy whatever product that you’re promoting. So I’m just going to leave it as that and then click on send. And as you can see, within 1 second it’s now come back with all of these different video ideas that I’m going to be able to choose from.

Analyzing Video Ideas

So what I’m going to quickly do is see if this video over here is going to perform well. So I’m just going to copy the title just like this: “Understanding Cryptocurrency Wallets” and then I’m going to click on keywords on the left hand side over here on VidIQ, search for it just like this. Okay, so with this video idea, there as you can see the competition is really high, which means that the chances of this video doing well is somewhat low. So I’m just going to come back over to the chat and search for this one over here: “Top 10 Cryptocurrencies to Watch”, paste it in there just like that.

Choosing a Video Topic

And as we can see with this one, the overall score is high and the competition is very low. So making a video with this particular title means that the chances of me getting this video ranked in the YouTube search results is going to be slightly higher. I’m going to be able to get more clicks, more viewers and the potential of getting sales and conversions. So now that I know that this is the video that I want to make, what I’m going to do is head back over to Invid AI and over here I’m going to type in another prompt, something along the lines of: “Create a 10 minute video titled ‘Top 10 Cryptocurrencies to Watch Right Now’. Ensure you keep it fun and engaging. Ensure you mention a Coinbase sign up link in the description.”

Creating the Video

Over here you can be as descriptive as you need to. You can put more information, you can be a little bit more specific. I’m just going to keep it General like this and I’m going to say generate a video. Okay perfect. So within maybe 2 minutes, as you can see it was able to produce this 10 minute length YouTube video that I’m going to be able to export straight away if I wanted to. And if I wanted to make a video like this myself and I wanted to sit here and edit it, it would have taken me maybe 4 hours, 3 hours for me to do this. And that’s the reason why I normally recommend using AI Bots like this that’s going to speed up the process.

Reviewing the Video

But I’m just going to play a little bit of this video. I haven’t actually seen it yet so let me click on play and let’s watch at least 15 seconds, 20 seconds of this video together. “Hey everyone, it’s Sam. Welcome back to the channel. The crypto Market is absolutely exploding right now and it’s creating waves across the financial world. If you’re not paying attention, you’re missing out on some huge potential gains that could change your financial future.” So guys, I’m sure that you’re already blown away at how quick it was able to do that, how efficient that was, but let me quickly see if I can find the point where it tells the viewer to sign up to Coinbase and see exactly how it was able to do that.

Coinbase Mention

“Looking for a secure and reliable platform to buy and sell cryptocurrencies? I highly recommend checking out Coinbase. They offer a user-friendly interface and robust security features to protect your assets. They’re one of the most trusted exchanges in the world.” So I’m sure that you get the point now as to how this side hustle works and how you’re going to be able to get started with it. Of course you do need to watch the whole video from start to finish. If you need to make any changes to the video, you’re going to be able to do that by clicking on edit over here. If you want to make any changes to any of the different scenes, you can easily do that. If you want to type in something specific over here for it to make any change, you can also do that as well.

Consistency is Key

The whole point of what I’m trying to show you now is what you’re going to do when it comes to building up awareness to your affiliate link. Once you’ve signed up to something like impact, you’re able to get affiliate links for various different products within a specific Niche and you understand the concept of how to make faceless videos like this. The only job that you’re going to realistically have is to be consistent when it comes to following through with everything that I’ve shown you so far.