4 Ways To Make Online money 2024

Google’s Power for Online Income

So I probably said this hundreds of times on this website, but Google is the most visited website in the entire world. It gets billions of people going onto it on a daily weekly basis, and with this creates an opportunity for everyday normal people like me and you to earn a source of income online. And the reason why I know that this is true is because I myself I’ve been able to go from zero to over a million dollar using Google in a number of different ways.

Four Ways to Make Money with Google

So I thought you know what, let me make this article today going through the four best ways ways that you can use the most popular search engine for you to be able to make money as well. As I already said, this article is going to be perfect if you’re a beginner. I’m just going to give you the foundations of what you need to know when it comes to using different features of Google to make money.

Changing Your Financial Situation

So make sure that you stick around for this entire video from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial situation. All right so jumping straight into one of the first ways that you can use Google and it was probably one of the first ways that I ever use Google for me to go from zero to my first six figures on the internet which is with Google shopping.

Introduction to Google Shopping

Now some of you have probably never heard of Google shopping before but it’s a really powerful way when it comes to earning money online because the way that it works is that you’re going to make products available to people that are actively searching for those products and because that potential customer has gone onto Google and typed in the direct keyword for the item that they want to buy there’s a high chance that you can turn that person from a non-paying customer into a paying customer and there’s so many different ways that you can use Google shopping when it comes to making money.

Dropshipping with Google Shopping

You don’t necessarily need to ship out the products yourself if you don’t want to because you can use the Drop Shipping method when it comes to a customer placing an order and your Drop Shipping supplier shipping it directly to that customer. So basically your only job is to make sure that you’re loading your store with products that you know people are actively searching for and doing everything in your possible best to make sure that that store is well optimized.

Real-Life Example of Google Shopping

And to give you a real life example of exactly how this works, if I just jump onto Google I’m going to type in this random search term that just came to my head because it was a product that I was looking to buy myself. So I’m just going to click on Google Search and when someone that is looking to buy this item gets to this point what they’re going to do is now click on the shopping Tab and from this point they’re now going to be presented with all of these different products and all of these different stores that they can buy from and you can basically get your own store listed over here for you to have a chance of being able to make sales.

Analyzing Successful Stores

So if I just click into this store over here there’s a high chance that this store is Drop Shipping this item and they’re most likely making a lot of sales. Now if you want to replicate any store that you found on Google shopping the best way for you to do that is to make sure that the store that you’re going to replicate is actually making money. So let’s see if this store is making money what I’m going to do is just copy the URL just like this then what I’m going to do is head over to my zek analytics account.

Using Zek Analytics

Now zek Analytics is perfect when it comes to spying on exactly how much money a Drop Shipping Store is making so what I’m going to do is just paste the URL in there just like that and then click on search. Okay perfect so as you can see Zeke analytics has now come back with all of this data letting us know that they were able to bring in over a quarter of a million dollars in the last 30 days alone and this is simply because they’ve loaded their store with winning products and they’ve also connected it to a Google Merchant Center which has now allowed them to sell all of these different products as you can see over here and as I mentioned previously for you to get your products on Google shopping you need to make sure that you’ve loaded your products onto a well optimized website and the easiest way that you can do that is by using this completely free AI store Builder and it’s also going to add proven winning products to your store as well automatically so it’s really easy to use.

Free AI Store Builder and Course

If you want to access this AI store Builder it’s going to be linked in the description and if you also wanted to enroll in a completely free course with in this course I’m going to go through everything you need to know step by step when it comes to starting the side hustle you’re going to be able to access that free course by clicking the top Link in the description down below but swiftly moving on to one of the second ways that you can use Google when it comes to earning money by starting a work from home job which is to use Google Maps.

Making Money with Google Maps

Now most of you are probably thinking Sam how exactly can you use Google Maps to make money. Now I found Google Maps to be a great directory when it comes to finding businesses all around the world and if you’re someone that is thinking about starting a work from home job of course you can sign up to freelance websites like upwork freelancer.com or fivr but my recommendation is to also use the DTI method which stands for direct to inbox what this means is that you’re going to use Google Maps to find businesses that need a particular service done and what you’re going to then do is reach out to that business directly into the inbox and this is going to open you up to a lot of opportunities when it comes to earning a source of income but as always let me quickly show you exactly what I’m talking about.

Using Google Maps to Find Clients

So to find Google Maps what you need to do is just type in maps click on this option from there it’s going to take you to something that looks like this and let’s assume that you wanted to start a business where you’re going to build websites for companies that do not have a website up and running using the power of AI which I’m going to explain a little bit about later on what you can do is a search for the business over here so I’m just going to type in a random one that just came to my head which is mechanic and I’m going to type in a location let’s do in London then I’m just going to click on search and the way that Google Maps works when it comes to specifically starting this work from home job is that it’s going to instantly show you which businesses have a website and which ones don’t for example this one doesn’t have a website listed over here this one does this one doesn’t this one of course does and this one doesn’t so on and so forth so literally just like that you’ve now got leads that you can reach out to when it comes to offering them the service of building a website but one thing that you need to know about using Google Maps when it comes to reaching out to all of these different businesses is that they don’t actually show you the email address over here so there’s a workaround way that you can find their email address and I’m going to quickly show you how to do that.

Finding Business Email Addresses

So let’s click into this company what you’re going to do is copy the name of the business just like this come over to Google paste it in there just like that and then type in Facebook and 50% of the time you’re going to see that they do have a Facebook profile so what you’re going to be able to do is just click into it and it’s going to be on their Facebook page that you’re now going to see their email address over here and you can essentially repeat that process over and over again build up a list of different emails contact each of them one by one you don’t necessarily need to offer them the service of building a website you can offer them whatever you want the only reason why I recommend that is because it’s a quick way for you to make $500 $600 per every single website that you build and again you don’t even need to build the website yourself because you’re going to be able to use the power of AI when it comes to helping you do this built by Massive multi-million dollar companies when that just isn’t true there’s normal people like me and you that are building websites providing people with valuable information and there’s a certain way that you can make money throughout that entire process and to quickly show you exactly how this works let’s assume that I wanted to buy a brand new camera for my YouTube channel what I might do for me to figure out exactly what the best one is is to go onto Google search like this and type in best camera to buy and then click on search from here there’s going to be all of these different websites that are ranking all of these different cameras and there’s this one over here where if I just click into it as you can see it’s a straightforward website that’s been put on the first page of Google and what they’re doing is letting me know what they think are the top 10 cameras for me to buy they’ve got the image of the camera the product name the rating and they’ve also got the direct link for me to go over to Amazon and get a little bit more information but the interesting thing about all of these different links that you can see over here is that if I click into any one of them of course it’s going to take me directly to Amazon but that link that I just clicked on right now is is an affiliate link and Amazon know that the person that owns that website sent me to Amazon so if I was to buy this item right now for around £2,000 because I clicked on this link the person that owns this website is going to earn a commission so in my opinion I would say building a website like this where all you’re doing is reviewing products on Amazon and you’re linking to all of these different products for you to earn a commission I would say that this is potentially one of the easiest ways to make money with Google search and building a similar website to this isn’t even difficult as you can see I’m using hostinger AI website builder I’m just going to fill out all of this information the brand name for the site the blog and a short description and within a few seconds as you can see it’s been able to build me a unique website that I’m now going to be able to use when it comes to reviewing all of the products are on Amazon of course you need to sign up to the Amazon Associates program but that doesn’t take too long you can do that within a few minutes as as well and I’m not saying that things are going to be straightforward and you’re going to start making money straight away you need to put work into it when it comes to promoting your website you know using social media maybe using Google search ads whatever you need to do to get traffic onto your site but once you start getting 50 people 100 people 200 people coming onto your site every single day essentially you’ve built a passive income machine that’s going to pay you even when you’re fast asleep and speaking of passive income this brings me on to the fourth and final way that I’m going to talk about in this video that you can make money with Google which is with Google AdSense so Google AdSense for those of you that’s never heard of it is simply where you’re going to sign up to the AdSense program and by doing this it’s now going to open up the doors for you to place ads on either your website or you’re going to be able to place ads on a YouTube channel so every single time.