6 Simple Side Hustles That Could Boost Your Income Today

Aspiring for Financial Freedom

So in my personal opinion, I believe that every single one of you that’s reading this article should aspire to get rich as quick as possible. And I’m not saying that you should do a get-rich-quick scheme, but what I’m saying is that you should build a method of making money online that essentially allows you to buy your time back. Because if you’re able to become rich, you’re going to be able to spend more time with friends, family, travel where you want and not have a boss tell you what to do.

Six Ways to Get Rich Online

And in today’s article, I’m going to go through six realistic ways of getting rich using the internet, methods that I’ve used myself for me to live a life of financial freedom. So let’s jump straight into one of the first ones which is to build a drop shipping store that has a high chance of being successful from day one.

Drop Shipping Explained

So I’m sure that the majority of you that are reading this video already know exactly what Drop Shipping is, but for those of you that don’t know I’m just going to quickly explain what it is. And I’m also going to show you step by step how you can build a drop shipping store that has a high probability of being successful using a new method.

How Drop Shipping Works

Now Drop Shipping for those of you that don’t know is literally where you’re going to build a store and you’re going to load it with winning products. And whenever you make a sale, you’re not going to have to ship out the products, your Drop Shipping supplier is going to ship it out every single time. So your only job is going to come down to making sure that you’ve optimized your store in the right way as well as making sure that you’re driving the right traffic to your store for you to generate sales.

Using Zeke Analytics for Drop Shipping

But when it comes to building your Drop Shipping Store in a way that has a high chance of succeeding, the tool that I would recommend that you use is Zeke analytics. Now I’m going to leave a 7-Day trial link in my description down below. Once you click that link, this is the page that you’re going to see. Just make sure that you selected the Shopify Marketplace and from there you’re going to be able to start your 7-Day trial.

Exploring Zeke Analytics Dashboard

And if I just quickly log into my account, I’m just going to show you exactly how it works. So instantly on your dashboard you’re going to see this section over here that says trending products. And I would say that this is definitely game-changing when it comes to the world of Drop Shipping because you’re going to be able to not only see products that are currently performing well, but you’re also going to be able to see exactly how much that particular Drop Shipping Store has made in the last 30 days.

Analyzing a Successful Drop Shipping Store

So I’m going to be using this product here as an example. As you can see, this seller has been able to generate over $66,000 in the last 30 days. So what I’m going to do is just click on this icon over here. Okay perfect. So as you guys can see, Zeke analytics has now come back with all of this useful data. One of the first bits of data is the fact that this store only has three different products and in the last month they sold almost 4,000 individual items. And from these three different products that they have on their store at the moment, they were able to make over $200,000 in total and the store is only 1 year old as well.

Finding Products on AliExpress

And if we just scroll down, these are the different products that they’re currently selling. Now one of the best things about using this tool on zek analytics is that you’re going to be able to click on this icon over here and it’s going to be able to show you exactly where you can Source the product from yourself. And straight away we can see that the product is available on aliexpress. So if I just click on this link over here, yep literally it’s the exact same product that’s available for us to buy and Source from AliExpress at $38.

Comparing Prices and Profit Margins

And if I just go back over to Zeke analytics and go to the actual Drop Shipping website, if I just click on this link. So this is the Drop Shipping Store that was able to make over $200,000 selling this product that’s available on AliExpress right now. They’re even using the exact same image and they’re selling it for around $75. So the amount of profit that they’re potentially making is pretty decent and just straight away you can see that it’s a basic Drop Shipping Store that you’re going to be able to replicate and make yourself if you want to.

Increasing Your Chances of Success

So for those of you that have dreams of becoming rich by Building A Drop Shipping Store, following the method that I just showed you now can definitely increase your chances because you’re essentially replicating what’s already working. And of course there is a lot more that goes into the actual step-by-step process of building your store, making sure that you’ve set things up in the right way, you know understanding how you can Implement AI when it comes to designing your store as well as using it when it comes to getting traffic on your website for you to generate sales.

Buying Products in Bulk from China

But swiftly moving on to one of the second ways that you can get rich which is one of the methods that I used for me to make my first 50,000 100,000 even $250,000 in profit on the internet which is by buying products in bulk from China and then selling them online. So of course Drop Shipping is definitely a great option when it comes to getting started as a beginner, but over time you’re going to notice that for you to make a little bit more profit you may want to consider buying products in bulk because you’re going to be able to get the unit cost of the item down if you’re able to buy 10 20 at one time.

Fulfillment Options for Bulk Orders

And then maybe from there you can send it to a fulfillment center or you can send it to your house if you want to ship out the orders yourself. There’s a lot of options that you have when it comes to fulfilling the orders to your customers if you bought the products in bulk. But when it comes to the best way to do it you just want to make sure that you’re finding a product that you know is going to perform well.

Using Alibaba for Bulk Purchases

So of course you can use the method that I showed you earlier, but if you’re looking to go straight into buying products in bulk and you want to give yourself the best chance of succeeding, the way that you can do it is by maybe going onto something like alibaba.com. Alibaba is the website that I personally used when it comes to finding suppliers in China. There’s thousands of different options, there’s thousands of different suppliers that you’re going to be able to choose from and there’s various different products as well.

Navigating Alibaba’s Top Ranking Products

Now let me quickly show you exactly how it works. So when you go onto alibaba.com, the way that you can figure out which product is the best one for you to buy in bulk and sell is by coming over here to where it says featured selections. Then what you want to do is click on top ranking. Once you’ve done that, it’s going to take you to this page with all of these different items.

Finding Hot Selling Items on Alibaba

Now what you can do from here is click on hot selling and the reason why this is useful to use is because you’re going to be able to scroll through and get an idea of which items people are buying in bulk from alibaba.com right now. But of course it’s super important for you to make sure that you do product research to make sure that people are actually buying the item on whatever Marketplace or whatever platform you’re thinking about selling it on.

Researching Product Demand on Amazon

So there’s this one over here that I’m just going to use as an example. It’s called Baby rompers. I’ve never heard of it before, I don’t even know exactly what it is, but I’m just going to copy the name of the item just like this. And for me to get an idea on if it is selling well or not, I can go over to Amazon because Amazon is the biggest search engine when it comes to e-commerce products in the entire world.

Analyzing Amazon Sales Data

Once you’ve clicked on the extension tool, what you’re going to need to do is click on x-ray Amazon product research and then from here you’re going to notice that helium 10 is going to show us if the item is performing well or not. And straight away we can see that baby rompers on Amazon total revenue is over 2 $ million. So instantly we can tell that this item is performing well.

Potential Profits from Amazon Sales

And the reason why using something like helium 10 is useful is because you’re going to be able to sort the revenue for all of these different Sellers from high to low and we can see that sellers are making almost half a million dollars in a month. This one made over $400,000, $280,000, over $170,000 so on and so forth. And all this money that all of these different Amazon sellers have been able to make has come from them selling simple products that could be found on alibaba.com right now.

Offering Services to Business Owners

But on to one of the next ways that you can get rich as a beginner when it comes to using the internet that not that many people talk about which is by offering a service to a business owner. Now the reason why you want to specifically Target business owners is because they’ve got money when it comes to spending on their business. So they’re going to be more than happy to pay you if you’re able to offer them a service that they need.

Reaching Out to Business Owners

And I would say that one of the best ways for you to reach out to a business owner is to go directly to them. Now of course you can use websites like upwork freelancer Fiverr so on and so forth, but one of the best ways to reach out to a business owner is to find their email address and try and understand exactly which service they need for you to increase your chances of being able to turn them into a client.

Finding Business Email Addresses on Facebook

Now when it comes to finding the email addresses for a company or business that doesn’t have a website, you’re going to be able to use something like Facebook. Literally you’re going to be able to go onto it just like this and search for a business that may be operating right now but doesn’t necessarily need a website in the specific moment for them to be operating EG something like a pet groomers.

Reaching Out to Multiple Businesses

Once you understand how to find the email address for one, you’re going to be able to of course find the email address for 100 for a thousand and it’s going to be your job to reach out to every single one of them. The more consistent that you are when it comes to reaching out to all of these different businesses, the higher chance you have when it comes to all of these different businesses replying to you.

Using Hostinger to Build Websites

And once you go back and forth, you negotiate, you’re happy, they’re happy, you’re going to be at the point where you now need to of course build the website for them. And you’re going to be able to use this tool over here called hostinger. Now it’s super simple to use. All you need to do is just fill out information on the screen over here. I’m going to leave a sign up link to hostinger in my description and as you can see it’s now built the website within 10 seconds maybe 15 seconds.

Potential for Scaling Your Business

So I’m sure from what I just showed you, you can already see the potential of using this to put yourself on the path of getting rich. The more businesses you’re able to reach out to, the more money you’re most likely going to make.

Making Money with Google AdSense

But moving on to one of the next methods that I’m going to talk about that you can use when it comes to giving yourself the chance of becoming rich which is with Google AdSense. Now many people out there are still confused on exactly what Google AdSense is, how it works and how you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to making money.

How Google AdSense Works

Now it’s actually quite simple. Google started the AdSense program as a way to pay normal people like me and you and the way that they pay us is either through uploading videos onto YouTube or by building blog websites and Publishing articles. And the best part about it is that you don’t even need to show your face on camera. You don’t need to Center your website around yourself if you don’t want to. You’re going to be able to build a completely faceless automated AI generated brand.

Creating Successful Faceless YouTube Channels

And of course if you did want to start a YouTube channel where you’re not showing your face, for you to have the highest chance of being successful you want to make sure that you’re making videos that you know people are actively searching for and you also know has a high chance of getting a lot of views. So the way that you can figure that out is by using this tool over here called vid IQ.

Using VidIQ for YouTube Research

And what I want to quickly do now is walk you through the steps that I would personally take if I was looking to build a completely brand new faceless YouTube channel. So as you can see I’ve just logged into my vid IQ account and they’ve got this feature over here called outliers. So I’m just going to click onto it now.

Finding Viral Videos from Small Channels

This feature is going to be able to help you when it comes to identifying the videos that performed well on channels that don’t have a lot of subscribers. So you’re going to be able to filter it in terms of the amount of subscribers over here and from there you’re going to be able to now scroll through all of these different results.

Analyzing Successful AI-Generated Videos

So a lot of these different videos that you can see on the screen essentially went viral and there’s this one over here that as you can see the channel only has around 1.5 thousand subscribers but yet this video has done really really well in the last few days. And the interesting thing about this particular video is that it’s an AI generated video that you’re going to be able to make yourself in a matter of minutes.

Generating Videos with Simple Prompts

Once you’ve logged in, you’re then going to be able to type in a very simple prompt. So I’m just going to put this prompt over here. I’m going to keep it super simple. As you can see I’ve copied and pasted the exact same title from the video that did well and all I need to do is click on this button over here and within 1 to 2 minutes invidio has now come back with this fully edited video that I’m going to be able to export straight away and upload to my YouTube channel.

Earning from Google AdSense

When I’m going to be able to repeat that process over and over again for me to be able to earn Google AdSense payments. And if you wanted me to make a more detailed article telling you step by step how you can do this in detail then put a comments down below.

Investing in Index Funds

But moving on to one of the final ways that you can get rich and it’s a method that I’m using myself right now as we speak which is by investing into the stock market specifically into index funds. So I’m a big believer when it comes to investing your money in the right way for you to be able to earn money not just today not just tomorrow but far into the future.

Getting Started with Stock Market Investing

And the thing about investing into the stock market is that you don’t need a big budget. Anyone can get started today and anyone can start earning in a passive source of income today as well. And I recently made a blog where I walk you through some of the important things that I wish I knew before I started investing into the stock market and a lot of the things that you need to know as a beginner as well.

Additional Resources for Investing

So if you want to check that article out I’m going to leave it right there. I show you everything that you need to be aware of when it comes to the specific things that you need to buy into and the specific investment apps that you should be using. So be sure to check that article out.