7 Effortless Ways to Earn $500 Daily Online in 2024

Now making money online doesn’t always need to be hard work

Now making money online doesn’t always need to be hard work, and it doesn’t always need to break the bank. As long as you’re aware of different methods out there that you can use when it comes to capitalizing from the internet, then you can put yourself in a position where you can start to generate money from the comfort of your own home. And in today’s article, what I want to do is show you seven of the laziest ways that you can get started with when it comes to earning money online. So if you’re someone that doesn’t really have a lot of time when it comes to building up an online business and you don’t really have that much money as well, this video is going to be perfect for you.

But let’s not waste any more time

But let’s not waste any more time, let’s jump straight into one of the first ways that you can make money online in the laziest way, which is by copy and pasting products onto eBay. Now eBay is a great platform when it comes to starting a Drop Shipping Store and by Drop Shipping what I mean is that you don’t need to ship out the products yourself. Literally all you’re going to be doing is finding products that you know people are spending money on when it comes to them shopping on eBay and you’re now going to copy and paste those products from other websites onto your eBay store and whenever you make a sale you’re now going to ship out the product or your supplier is going to ship out the product and you never have to see any inventory.

So of course one of the first things that you’re going to do

So of course one of the first things that you’re going to do if you don’t already have an eBay account is to come on to eBay just like this, click on register at the top over here, go through the process of creating your account. You can either sign up for a personal one business one, I would recommend going with a personal one initially and then you can always switch it over to a business one once things start to pick up. But one of the most important things that you’re going to need to do when it comes to starting this particular side hustle is that you need need to know exactly which products are going to give you a high chance of being able to generate sales and one way that you can figure that out is by using this software over here called Zik Analytics.

And the reason why this is such a powerful tool

And the reason why this is such a powerful tool is because you’re going to be able to see how much money all of these different eBay drop shippers have made in the last month and you’re also going to be able to spy on what products they’ve been able to sell. So if I just click on this seller’s account over here, as you can see this drop shipper was able to bring in over $188,000 in the last 30 days. They sold over 1,200 different items and they’re also Drop Shipping from Amazon as well as Walmart.

And the reason why using something like Zik Analytics will help you

And the reason why using something like Zik Analytics will help you when it comes to speeding up the process for you knowing what product is selling well and which ones are not is because you can just scroll down on all of these different trending drop shippers pages and as you can see these are all of the different products that they’re selling. So in addition to you being able to spy on all of these different eBay stores, you’re also going to be able to see how much money they made with a particular product and you can also click on this icon over here and it’s going to show you exactly where they’re Drop Shipping it from.

So if I just click into this particular eBay listing

So if I just click into this particular eBay listing as we can see they’re currently selling this item which is a car charger power cord for $9.26 and they’ve managed to sell over 580 different units but if I just go back onto Zik Analytics we can see that they are most likely Drop Shipping it from Amazon because it’s the exact same product over here, however on Amazon it’s available for $4.56. So all this eBay seller has done is basically copy and paste the product from Amazon onto their eBay store for them to be able to make sales and whenever they do make a sale what they need to do now is go over to Amazon, buy it from there and ship it directly to the customer.

Now most of you are probably scratching your head thinking Sam

Now most of you are probably scratching your head thinking Sam what exactly is a low content book. Now when you think of a book I’m sure that you probably think of ones that have a lot of information a lot of text and a low content book is the opposite, it’s going to be things like puzzle books, crossword puzzles, journals, you know things that don’t really have a lot of information in them but people are still buying them on a daily basis. And if I just jump onto Amazon as you can see I’ve just typed in puzzle box and this is an example of what I’m telling about.

All of these different puzzle books that you can see

All of these different puzzle books that you can see, the people that are selling them don’t need to physically ship them out themselves. What they’ve done is listed for sale on Amazon KDP and whenever they make a sale automatically it’s going to be shipped out to the customer without them having to lift a finger. The main form of work that you’re going to have to do is make sure that you’re selling a low content book that you know people are actively searching for and you’ve also designed to the best of your ability.

So from this you’re going to be able to get an idea

So from this you’re going to be able to get an idea of exactly what you want to start selling yourself and again you can also use Book Bolt when it comes to creating books because it’s going to be able to help you when it comes to designing the front cover of the book, the rear and you can also use it when it comes to automatically putting the pages within the book depending on what type of low content book you’re trying to sell. For example here is one that I made not too long ago, it’s a daily manifestation Journal, you know I did all of this myself I designed it, it took no more than 5 minutes for me to do.

I put all of the pages inside it as you can see over here

I put all of the pages inside it as you can see over here and once you complete your one it’s just going to be a case of downloading it and going over to the KDP platform. You can find it by typing this into Google, clicking on this option, logging into your account, saying that you want to create a paperback and simply make sure that you put the correct title, the correct description using the right SEO which is search engine optimization so that your book can be ranked in the search results for people to find it so that you can earn money.

But moving on to the third lazy way of making money online

But moving on to the third lazy way of making money online which is by using AI to publish videos onto YouTube. Now I’m a big believer in building up YouTube channels, at the moment I’m running a couple different ones and the reason why I like them so much is that it’s a great opportunity for you to make a passive source of income especially if you’re making videos where you don’t need to show your face because you can now utilize the power of AI technology when it comes to producing videos that you’re going to upload to your channel so that you can make money in a number of different ways.

One of the main ways that you can make money from a YouTube channel

One of the main ways that you can make money from a YouTube channel is with Google AdSense. As long as you’ve created your channel within a niche that you know that you care about, you’re passionate about and it’s also a highly profitable niche as well then the opportunities for you to make money when you’re fast asleep is definitely going to be possible. Now when it comes to generating videos with AI I would recommend using Nid. Nid works in a seamless way because all you got to do is enter a prompt for the videos that you want to make, it’s going to be able to do it within a matter of minutes, you can make any changes to the video that you want to make as well, this complete flexibility when it comes to the content that you’re going to be producing.

You can use a range of different AI generated voices

You can use a range of different AI generated voices whether a female you know a male American British whatever and then from there you’re now going to be able to upload those videos to YouTube and schedule them far into the future. But swiftly moving on to one of the next lazy ways that you can make money on the internet which is by building up a niche email list. Now when it comes to building up email list this is something that a lot of people don’t really think about and it’s not really a popular side hustle but in reality having an email list creates so many opportunities when it comes to being able to generate multiple streams of income and for those of you that’s never heard of an email list before it’s basically where you’re going to capture people’s emails on the internet in a number of different ways.

You’re going to add them into an email list using a software

You’re going to add them into an email list using a software, one of the ones that I recommend is AWeber and once you’ve started building up your email list of course the main aim is to send out valuable emails to those people in relation to the reason why they signed up in the first place. You don’t want to start selling to them straight away, you want to make sure that you’re providing as much free value as possible and every now and then I would say every fifth email that you send out you’re now going to be able to promote whatever product that you want to promote.

And the reason why I believe this to be a lazy way

And the reason why I believe this to be a lazy way of being able to make money online is because you don’t need to do any real hard work of course you need to be strategic when building up your email list but you’re going to be able to also use AI when it comes to producing the emails. That’s another reason why I recommend AWeber to beginners out there because you don’t even need to write the emails yourself which could take 30 minutes an hour for every single email because what you’re going to be able to do is enter a prompt for the email that you want to send out and AWeber is going to be able to produce it within a matter of minutes.

But on to the next way that you can make money online

But on to the next way that you can make money online with the least amount of money and the least amount of effort which is by building a multi-income stream content website. Now building a website might seem like a really difficult thing to do and being able to make money from it might also confuse you as well. When it comes to making money from a Content website you’re going to be able to do it mainly from something called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is where you don’t own the product and what you’re going to be doing is putting affiliate links within the articles that you’re going to be producing but the reason why I like building up websites in different niches is because as I said it creates the opportunity for multiple different streams of income.

You’re going to be able to do affiliate marketing

You’re going to be able to do affiliate marketing, you’re also going to be able to sell your own digital product if you want to, you’re going to be able to earn money from something called Google AdSense similar to a YouTube channel, there’s a wide variety of different options that you have when it comes to earning money from a website. Now most of you are probably thinking but Sam it’s not really easy to build a website and isn’t it really expensive to do as well. Now it doesn’t need to be hard, it doesn’t need to be costly because you can use something like Hostinger when it comes to getting your website built within a few minutes.

Hostinger has plans where you can pay as little as $2 $3 every single month

Hostinger has plans where you can pay as little as $2 $3 every single month for you to get your website up and running and they also have a website builder as well that’s going to be able to get your site built within a few minutes and when it comes to the articles that you’re going to be producing for you to get your website ranked on Google you can also use Hostinger AI content writer and I’m not saying that things are going to happen overnight and you’re going to be able to make $10,000 the next day but if you’re able to be consistent with this when it comes to publishing all of these different articles before you know it you’re going to get to the point of making your first $1,000 in profit $2,000 $5,000 so on and so forth.

But moving on to one of the next lazy ways that you can use

But moving on to one of the next lazy ways that you can use when it comes to earning money online in the cheapest way possible is by using this free AI store Builder to get a Shopify store up and running in less than 2 minutes. Now when it comes to doing Shopify Drop Shipping there’s difficult ways that you can get started with it you know really expensive ways or you can use something like this when it comes to speeding up the process. Now the entire premise of doing Shopify Drop Shipping involves you listing products for sale and again similar with eBay Drop Shipping you’re not going to have to ship out any products because you’re going to use Drop Shipping suppliers all around the world when it comes to fulfilling all of your orders.