Your 2024 Roadmap to Online Income Freedom

The Dream of Quitting Your 9-to-5

So if you’re currently working a full-time job, I’m sure that you probably got the dream of being able to quit so that you can live the life that you’ve always wanted to live on your own terms, and the reason why I know that that’s true is because I was in the exact same position. It wasn’t too long ago that I was working a 9-to-5 job where Monday to Friday I had to wake up every single morning, get on a bus, a train, and then another bus, go to a workplace, spend my day with people that I didn’t really want to spend my day with, doing things that I didn’t really want to do.

Empathy and Hope for Those in the Rat Race

I totally empathize with all of you guys that are still in this rat race because it’s not really an easy thing, but in today’s article what I want to do is give you some hope and give you some direction when it comes to being able to buy your freedom back, as I just said, I’ve been able to quit my 9-to-5 job around 5, 6 years ago now and since then I’ve been doing my own thing, paving my own way in life.

Living the Dream: Travel and Income

You know, I’m able to travel around the world to various different amazing locations while still being able to make money whilst I’m at these locations, so stick around for this entire video from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial future.

The Power of the Law of Attraction

All right, so one of the first things that I wish someone told me about a lot sooner because it would have allowed me to make a lot more progress a lot quicker, which is to adopt a Law of Attraction mindset. Whenever someone messages me on my Instagram DMs and they say, “Hey Sam, what is the first thing that I need to do for me to completely change my life?” I always advise them to research the Law of Attraction because this is exactly what I did a year before I quit my job.

Applying the Law of Attraction

I found out about the Law of Attraction and exactly what it was and I started applying it to my life, and I believe that it’s one of the main reasons and the main factors as to why I’m in the situation right now where I’ve been able to generate millions of dollars on the internet, and for those of you that’s never heard of The Law of Attraction before, I’m going to keep it quite simple but I would say that it comes down to adopting a certain mindset and that mindset is a belief in yourself.

Belief in Yourself: The Key to Success

If you’re able to have a certain level of belief when it comes to your capabilities and changing your life, you’re going to start to see certain opportunities that you can take and you’re going to trust yourself when it comes to taking those opportunities. Before I came across the Law of Attraction and I started reading various different books on the topic, I would say that I didn’t really believe in myself. I had a lot of self-doubt and because of that I didn’t really take any action, so for the hundreds of people that message me every single week asking for advice, the reason why I tell them to research the Law of Attraction and I give them specific books to read, and I’m going to touch on that in a moment, is because I know if you’re able to have a foundation of belief in yourself, it’s going to take you to the next level quicker than you know it.

Recommended Law of Attraction Books

Now when it comes to which Law of Attraction books you should read to kind of structure your thinking and point you in the right direction, there’s so many different ones out there but I would say two of the best ones that you should pick up first is going to be “Think and Grow Rich”. This is a book by Napoleon Hill. I’ve probably read it around three times. If you’re able to understand the concepts in this book, then knowing how to think in a certain way is not going to be difficult, and the second book that I would recommend that you read ASAP is this one over here, “The Science of Getting Rich”.

The Impact of Law of Attraction Books

I actually read this one before I read this one, but it doesn’t really matter which one you read. Both of them are definitely going to give you the money mindset that’s necessary when it comes to thinking in a certain way, taking action in a certain way, and believing in yourself, and as I’ve said, I’ve read over 15 different books on the topic of the Law of Attraction.

Top Books That Changed My Life

I actually posted a video or reel on my Instagram the other day. I’m going to put it on the screen right now. If you want to know my top five books that I’ve read that’s changed my life and it can also change your one, you can head over to my Instagram and check out that video, but whatever the case is, adopting a Law of Attraction mindset, believing in yourself, believing in the intuitions that you have when it comes to what steps you should take is definitely the foundation of being able to quit your 9-to-5 job, but this now brings me on to the second thing that I did and you should do if you want to be able to quit your job in the quickest way possible, which is to pick the right business model for you.

Choosing the Right Online Business Model

Now there’s so many different businesses that you can do. My recommendation is to start an online business because if you’re able to start an online business that is open 24/7, 365 days a year, then of course making money is not going to be difficult because the world is essentially your customer, but in saying that, there’s so many different types of online businesses that you can start and that’s why it’s very important for you to pick one that’s good for you when it comes to your skill set and your personality type.

Various Online Money-Making Methods

For example, when it comes to making money online, you can either do it by selling products on eBay, selling products on Amazon, you could do Shopify Drop Shipping, you can do affiliate marketing, content creation where you show your face, maybe a faceless YouTube channel, you can post on Instagram, build up an audience that way, you can day trade stocks, day trade Forex, day trade crypto if you wanted to, there’s also print on demand, there’s an endless list of different ways to make money online and the one thing that I always advise people that want to quit their 9-to-5 job is to research all of the different options that are out there, is to number one pick a method that excites you, number two pick one that you know you’re going to be able to stick with over the foreseeable future because one of the main factors that allowed me to write out my notice, hand it into my manager and quit my 9-to-5 job is the fact that I picked a method of making money online and I had laser focus on that particular method.

Avoiding Shiny Object Syndrome

The one thing you need to avoid at all cost is shiny object syndrome and trying to do multiple different things at once, so it is important for you to research all of the different methods of making money online, whether you’re going to use AI when it comes to figuring out all of the different options, the pros and cons, whatever you need to do for you to have a full understanding of all of the ways to make money online, what you need to do after that is just pick one method and stick with it, and I’m not saying that that’s going to be the only thing that you’re going to do for the rest of your life.

My Journey: From eBay to Multiple Businesses

For example, with myself, when I when I was working my 9-to-5 job, the one thing that I initially focused on was building up an eBay branded business. I was able to scale this business to $10,000 per month, $20,000 per month, $50,000 per month, so on and so forth, and from that business I was now able to start an Amazon business, a Shopify business, I was now able to build various different digital businesses off the back of that first initial side hustle.

Starting Small and Building Up

So even though you’ve got the ambition and the motivation to do something really, really big and you’ve got all of these plans, it’s always a wise idea for you to start off small and then build it up from there, but this now brings me on to one of the third most important things that you want to do to increase your chances of being able to quit your 9-to-5 job, which is once you figured out what type of business you want to do, the next thing after that is you need to study it and understand the actual business model behind it and also understand how you’re going to make money and the potential of what money you’re going to make.

Understanding Your Business Model

Now all of that might sound a little bit confusing so let me explain exactly what I mean. So one thing that I’ve noticed with so many people in this day and age that want to make money online and start an online business is that they don’t have a full understanding of how they’re going to receive money in their bank account and they also don’t have an understanding of how much money they’re going to potentially make.

Researching Revenue Streams and Financials

In my opinion, I would say that this is a big mistake because the way that I like to do things, even up until now with every single new business that I start, is that I like to research and have a somewhat understanding when it comes to what type of income I’m going to receive from that business. I spend time researching the revenue streams, I spend time, you know, looking into the fine details of the financials.

The Importance of Financial Clarity

There’s no point going into something without having somewhat of an estimate of the type of revenue and profit you’re going to be able to make, and the reason why I thought I would share this particular point with you is because what so many people do is that they want to start a business because they want to impress their friends, their family, social media, you know, they start a business for show rather than the actual reason of a business, which is to make money, and even though yes, you might do the research to figure out exactly what type of money can be made, I’m not saying that you’re going to make it straight away, but it’s going to give you some sort of a target to work towards so things are a little bit more clearer.

Setting Clear Financial Goals

You’re going to know exactly which steps you need to take in which financial direction, and using myself as an example again, when I first quit my 9-to-5 job, the thing that helped me was knowing exactly the possibilities of how much money I can make from that first initial eBay business. Once I could see that eBay sellers were making a certain amount of money every single month, it gave me the courage to know that I could do the exact same thing, or even if I made a fraction of what they made, I knew that it was possible.

Tools for Spying on Competitors

So that’s why it’s a wise idea for you to use tools, softwares, and apps to spy on someone that’s doing the exact business model that you want to do for you to have an idea of exactly how much money they’re making, and of course this is all dependent on what type of online business you’re thinking about starting. Some ways you’re not necessarily able to see how much money people are making, but if you’re thinking about starting let’s say an e-commerce business, you can spy on let’s say eBay sellers by using tools like Seek Analytics.

Researching Potential Earnings

They can show you how much money per month an eBay seller is bringing in. You can also spy on how much money Amazon sellers are making using a tool called Helium 10. The list goes on and on when it comes to you getting an idea of how much businesses online are making, and if you wanted me to make a detailed video on this topic showing you how you can spy on people that are doing various different ways of making money online from affiliate marketing, selling on Etsy, doing print on demand, doing eBay Drop Shipping, whatever you’re thinking about doing, put in the comments down below “Do the Spy Money video” and I’ll get on to ASAP, but just to bring it back to the main point that I’m making, which is that before you even think about starting any online business and you take that first step, the initial thing that you need to do is have a clear understanding of how you’re going to make money, your revenue streams, how is money going to come into the bank, because having an understanding of this is going to make the path a lot more clearer, but once you’ve done all of that, one of the next steps that you’re going to need to take is to start that online business and work on it every single day.

The Power of Daily Consistency

Now one thing that I found that’s allowed me to be successful with majority of the different things that I’ve done in my life is the fact that I worked on it every day. No matter what it was, if I put my energy into something Monday to Sunday without fail, then it increased my chances of being able to generate money from it. This is because when you work on something every day, you’re building up momentum and you’re increasing your knowledge on that particular business and you’re kind of opening up your mind to various different opportunities and moves that you can make for you to take things to the next level.

The Mistake of Inconsistency

One common mistake that I see with so many people that want to quit their 9-to-5 job is that they start some sort of a side hustle and maybe they work on it on a random Wednesday and then maybe two weeks from that point on a Sunday they do something, but if you do it that way, things are never going to build up. When I look back on my personal journey and the things that I had to do for me to get to the point of handing in my notice to my manager and feeling that amazing feeling was the fact that I worked on my business every single day.

My Personal Journey of Hard Work

Even though I had to wake up to go work around 5:00 a.m., I spent maybe 1 to 2 hours in the morning working on my business before I went into work. I did the exact same thing when I got back from work as well. Even though I was tired, I still spent a few hours working on my business, my side hustle, or whatever you want to call it, and throughout the entire weekend I put in maximum effort as well.

Sacrifices for Success

I didn’t go partying, I didn’t waste time doing useless things, I put all my mind, focus, and energy into building up this side hustle and that’s the reason why I’m sitting here right now being able to generate millions of dollars on the internet in a number of different ways, and by no means am I saying any of this to brag because I was in the exact same position as you and I know how difficult it can be. I wasn’t the best student, you know, I didn’t get the best grades, but I’ve still been able to change my entire life and I want to express to you guys that you could do the exact same thing as well, and this now brings me on to one of the final things that I want to touch on when it comes to increasing your chances of being able to quit your 9-to-5 job and buy your freedom back, spend more time with your family and just live the life of your dreams, which is to not give up at the first obstacle.

Overcoming Obstacles in Your Journey

So one of the things that I can guarantee that’s going to happen when you first start your side hustle whilst working your job is that you’re going to be faced with so many different obstacles. It’s not going to be an easy thing. When you first get started, you’re going to be excited about the idea of being a business owner. Maybe 2 weeks after that, you’re going to see that it’s not really easy. You’re going to hit your first obstacle, you’re going to think about giving up, you might not give up straight away, you’re going to hit your second obstacle and then you might think to yourself, you know what, let me just focus on my 9-to-5 job because that’s what I was put on the planet to do, when that couldn’t be more far from the truth.

Persistence: The Key to Success

Obstacles are there to kind of show you what works, what doesn’t work, and if you’re capable of overcoming the obstacles, that’s going to prove that you’re worthy for whatever type of business you’re looking to build because realistically not every single person can be a business owner. Some people I guess are made to do a 9-to-5 job, but it’s the people that keep persisting, keep pushing past those obstacles, keep learning and never give up, those are the ones that end up succeeding and become the boss of their own life.