Earn $1000 Daily: AI Money-Making Secrets for 2024

Blueprint Overview

And when I say AI Drop Shipping, all this means is that you’re going to build an online store, you’re going to make products available to potential customers, but throughout that entire process, there’s ways that you can do things manually which might take a long time but there’s also ways that you can implement AI when it comes to speeding up the entire process of you being able to generate sales with a Drop Shipping business.

Drop Shipping Basics

And for those of you that’s never heard Drop Shipping before, or maybe you have but you’re not really sure of exactly how it works, all it is is a online business model where you’re going to sell products on the internet. And whenever a sale is made, you’re not going to have to ship out any products yourself. What you’re going to do is go over to your Drop Shipping supplier and it’s going to be their responsibility to pick, pack and ship out the orders that you get.

Benefits of Drop Shipping

And the reason why this business model is so powerful is because you’re going to be able to get started with next to no money and that allows you to put all of your focus into the things that matter which is getting traffic onto your site for you to sit back and make sales. So in a nutshell that’s basically what Drop Shipping is for those of you that’s never heard of it, but specifically when I say AI Drop Shipping, this is where you’re going to implement the use of various different AI tools when it comes to helping you with various different things getting your store up and running so that you don’t have to do the heavy lifting yourself.

Video Overview

But stick with me throughout this entire article from start to finish because by the end of it everything is going to make sense and you’re going to see how simple it is when it comes to getting this up and running.

AI-Built Shopify Store

So to access it, what you need to do is click the link in my description down below. It’s then going to take you over to this page over here where you can get a completely free AI built Shopify store in less than 2 minutes. What you need to do is click on “build my free store” over here. It’s then going to ask you to select a niche so whether you want to sell fashion products, pet related products, electronics and gadgets, Home and Gardens, Sport and Fitness, you’re just going to select it over here and the AI Builder is going to make sure that the store is optimized for that particular niche and it’s also going to load it with the winning products from that specific category.

Store Creation Process

So in today’s example I’m going to click on Sport and Fitness and then click on done. It’s then going to take you through a series of different options and questions that you need to answer. Again it’s not going to take any longer than 3 minutes, maybe 5 minutes max, and as long as you’ve made sure to follow everything accurately, you’re then going to get to this page over here that’s going to tell you that your Shopify store is now live. So if I want to access the store, what I need to do is click on this option over here.

Store Overview

Okay perfect, so this is the store that it was able to build for me. As you can see everything is optimized, everything is working as it should, and the reason why I recommend that you use AI for this particular step especially if you’re a beginner is because if you wanted to do this yourself, it would have taken you maybe a couple days even up to a week to fully understand how to create the website, how to do all of these different pages over here. For example, if I click into “about us” as you can see there’s information in this page, everything has already been formatted and you can go into the back end of your Shopify account and change anything that you want to change.

Store Customization

I would recommend that you go through all of the different pages and make sure that it’s applicable to the business that you’re trying to run when it comes to the returns, the refunds, you know, the shipping policy, you know, all of this information here. You want to put your store name, your store location, the email, there’s going to be some placeholder information for you to go through and update but using this AI store Builder, it just takes tak so much headache away trying to do everything yourself.

Mobile Optimization

The AI bot even made sure to optimize it for mobile phone as well. If I just jump onto my iPhone, I’m going to put a screen recording over there so that you can clearly see it. As you can see the website is fully functional on my iPhone. But because you’re using an AI bot to help you, it automatically does that, it automatically makes sure that everything is functional on desktop and mobile phone.

Traffic Generation

But once you’ve gotten to the point of getting your store up and running and you’ve also sorted out the back end of things, you know buying the domain, making sure that you’ve set up Shopify payment so that you can actually receive money, the next thing after that is of course getting traffic going onto your website. When I say traffic all this means is getting potential customers to be aware of the products that you’re selling and there’s two main ways that you can do this. You can either use paid ads or what you can do is use organic traffic and if you’re someone that doesn’t really have that much money and you don’t have a big budget when it comes to getting the sad hustle off the ground, I would recommend that you start off with Organic traffic, see how that goes for a couple weeks and then maybe after that once you start generating sales you can use that money to invest into paid ads.

AI-Assisted Content Creation

And this is where you’re going to be able to get AI to assist you because when it comes to a lot of the short form content platforms out there, the way that you can build it up is you can find the content yourself, you can produce the content yourself and that’s not a bad way to go but what you can also do is use an AI bot when it comes to producing the content for you so that you have an unlimited stream of content that you’re going to be able to post multiple different times a day. And the more content you’re able to publish on all of your different short form platforms, the higher likelihood you’re going to have when it comes to people clicking on the link in your bio and going over to your newly built Shopify store.

Example Video Creation

Now just to quickly show you how it works, let’s assume that I wanted to build a TikTok page or an Instagram page around this newly built store. Since the store that I built is about Sport and Fitness and as you can see the type of products that I’m selling allow people to work out at home, of course there’s other Fitness Products that I can add but as an example the products that I’m going to be primarily selling are home workout products.

Creating Short-Form Videos

So in saying that that’s the reason why I would want to build a Instagram page TikTok page, you know giving people information about working out at home. So if I wanted to create these type of videos, if I just go back over to article I just need to enter a simple prompt something along the lines of “make a short form video about the benefits of working out at home”. Click on this button over here and within a few seconds it’s now come back with this fully edited video that I’m going to be able to download and upload to my profiles straight away.

Video Preview

Now I’m just going to play a couple seconds of the video just so that you have an idea of what type of short phone videos you’re going to be able to go away and make yourself.

Video Script

“Want to crush your Fitness goals without leaving your house? Home workouts are where it’s at! Home workouts are a game changer. No gym membership? No problem! Save time and money by sweating it out in your living room. Plus you get to choose your own playlist! No more waiting for machines or feeling self-conscious. You can work out anytime, anywhere from yoga to hiet, the options are endless. And the best part? Consistency becomes a breeze. Turn your home into your personal gym and see those gains. Ready to start? Let’s do this!”

AI Video Benefits

So that’s the video right there. As you can see it’s super simple, clean, straight to the point, you know the benefit of using something like nid as I’ve already mentioned is that you’re going to be able to do the exact same thing over and over again. The one thing that I’ve noticed about growing any theme page, any TikTok Instagram page is that if you’re able to publish three to four pieces of content per day, you’ve got a higher chance of growing, getting more customers and of course putting yourself in a position of generating more sales.

Video Production Process

So using something like this just speeds up the process rather than you having to learn editing and make the videos yourself. And of course once you’re happy with everything all you got got to do is click on download and you’re going to be able to download it with no watermarks as long as you upgrade your account but click on download, upload the video to your short form platforms and then do that process again and again.

Email Marketing Importance

Which actually now brings me on to the next step which is that once you start getting clicks on your link in BIO and you start getting traffic onto your store, it doesn’t just end there. What you now want to do is start collecting all of the email addresses for the people that are landing on your store. This is a mistake that I see so many beginners making when they first start Drop Shipping which is that they send all of this traffic to their store but they’re not collecting the email addresses for these people and they’re not building up an email list because if you’re not collecting these email addresses you’re losing out on money because not every single person is going to buy straight away.

AI-Assisted Email Marketing

And of course as you guessed it you’re also going to be able to use AI when it comes to this part of the process which is email marketing. Now the tool that i’d recommend that you use when it comes to building up your email list is this one over here called omnisend. I’m going to leave a another link to them in the description down below. Is completely free for you to sign up, all you need to do is click on start free and if you’re logged into your Shopify account already all you need to do is then click on install and then from there it should now take you to your omnisend dashboard.

Omnisend Tool Overview

Now the reason why I recommend using omnisend is because this is the tool that’s going to help you capture all of the different email addresses for all of the different potential customers that land on your Drop Shipping Store. Basically the way that it works is that it’s automatically going to install a popup so that when someone lands on your website that popup is going to appear and it’s going to ask the person for their email address in exchange for you giving them something like a 10% 5% discount. I would recommend a 10% discount but let me show you exactly how to do that.

Setting Up Email Capture

So first things first once you’re on your om send account is that you need to come over here to forms. Then what you need to do is click on preview and launch form and this is what the popup form is going to look like. Now you can change things around if you want to move it around any element you can do that if you want to change the text the color scheme you’ve got complete flexibility. For now I’m going to leave it as it is and I’m going to click on enable form and as you can see just like that the popup has now been enabled.

Email Capture Demo

So if I go back over to the store that I built and click on refresh and then I scroll down slightly, as you can see the popup now appears asking the visitor to input their email address and they’re going to get 10% off. And to show you how it works if I just type in a random email address, I’m going to put abc1 123@gmail.com, click on get 10% off. As you can see letting me know that I’m going to be able to find the 10% discount code in my inbox but if I go back over to my omnisend account then click on audience as you can see I’ve now got this email address in my email list.

Email List Building

And imagine if you’re sending 100, 200, 1,000 people to your website. Yes they may not buy straight away but in that process you’re going to build up an email list of people that you know are interested in a particular niche and this puts you in a great position when it comes to being able to generate sales and profits.

AI-Assisted Email Writing

And of course when it comes to doing email marketing, sending out emails, the AI side of it is that you’re going to be able to use something like chat GPT when it comes to writing the emails for you if you don’t want to write them yourself. And everything can be done from the back end of your omnisend account. You don’t need to go over to Gmail outlock when it comes to sending out your emails. Literally all you got to do is click on campaigns, click on create an email campaign and then from this point omnisend is going to give you different templates to choose from when it comes to whatever email you’re sending out.

Email Campaign Creation

So if I just click on a random one, let’s click on this one one over here and from this point I’m now going to be able to insert all of the text that I want to insert. I’m going to be able to get it from chat GPT, Google Gemini, but I’m sure that you get the point when it comes to the power of collecting emails and doing email marketing.

Email Marketing Video Request

And if you went to the full step-by-step video breaking down everything you need to know when it comes to making money with Drop Shipping by sending out emails, put in the comments down below “do the email marketing video” because I’ve been able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit by doing this. So I’m going to be able to give you the best advice but I want to make sure that you guys are actually interested in seeing that video so make sure that you comment down below.

Order Fulfillment

But once you do start sending out emails you’re going to start to get orders coming through the door fingers crossed and from that point you’re going to start to see the money coming into your bank account, PayPal account, strap account. And the way that Drop Shipping works is that you’re now going to take that money, go over to your supplier, you can automate this process by using something like autod DS. Autods is a powerful tool that you can use when it comes to automating all of your different orders. When an order comes in they’re going to automatically send that order to your supplier so you don’t have to sit there buying each order one by one copy and pasting your buyers name address the product that they ordered. Autods is going to make sure that everything is automatically fulfilled.

Business Cycle

And of course from that point the customer is now going to receive their order, you don’t have to ship anything out and because you’ve got the customers’s email address you’re going to send out emails to them and promote various other products and services that you have and it’s going to be a rinse and repeat cycle when it comes to you being able to make money from the comfort of your own home using the power of AI.