Beginner’s Guide to $1000 Weekly Online

The Best Online Business for Beginners

So one of the most common questions that I get all the time is, I want to start making money online from my home. What’s the best way for me to start an online business where I get to work directly on my laptop?” Now, there’s so many different options out there that’s going to be suitable for a complete beginner, but the blueprint that you can see on the screen over here is what I believe to be one of the best online businesses because if you’re able to understand the foundations of what goes into this blueprint, you’re not only going to make money today, you’re not only going to make money tomorrow, but you could potentially make money far into the future.

Life-Changing Financial Advice

So I’m going to explain what you need to know when it comes to setting this up. The steps that I’m going to show you in today’s article is what I wish someone sat me down and told me before I got started with all of this, because I would have been in a position where I could have quit my job, travel around the world to various different amazing locations a lot sooner. So make sure you stick around for this entire video from start to finish because you might just learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

Building Your Online Store

All right, so jumping straight into it and just to give you a quick overview as to what this blueprint involves, essentially what you’re going to be doing is building an online store. You’re then going to load that store with winning products and you’re not going to have to ship the products out yourself from the beginning. You can eventually do that down the line if you wanted to, but when it comes to getting started, you’re not going to have to ship out any products. You’re not going to have to buy any inventory. All you need to do is make sure that you’ve got your store built, it’s well optimized and it’s ready for you to start selling.

Keys to Long-Term Success

And there’s certain things that you need to do when it comes to increasing your chances of having long-term success and that’s exactly what I’m going to break down today. So the first official step that I recommend that you take is to use this free AI store Builder. I’m going to leave it link down below. As you can see, it’s completely free for you to use and it’s going to be able to get your storefront up and running in less than 2 minutes. The reason why I recommend this is because it’s going to be able to give you a fully optimized Shopify store that comes with winning products already loaded. The products are also going to be connected directly to the supplier’s site as well, so you’re not even going to have to worry about that. Everything is going to be ready for you to start selling straight away.

Easy Setup for Beginners

And the main reason why I recommend using this is because if you wanted to build your store yourself and you know, configure everything and get everything set up, it’s going to be quite difficult if you’re a complete beginner because you’re going to need to understand how to build a website. You’re going to need to understand how to design it. Using this takes away a lot of the heavy lifting. So all you got to do is again use the link in my description and then click on build my free store, insert your name, email address and password. It’s then going to take you to this page where you need to select a niche for whatever store that you want to build.

Choosing Your Niche

Now I recommend building a store around a niche that you’re passionate about, a niche that you know that you’re going to be able to stick with because even though I think this is a great opportunity to start an online business for a beginner, there is going to be obstacles that you’re going to face. And if you pick a niche that you’re not passionate about and you hit an obstacle, you’re going to end up giving up straight away. So pick one that you’re happy to sell the products within that Niche. Also pick one that you’ve got a basic knowledge on the type of products as well.

Setting Up Your Store

So in this example I’m going to build a Sport and Fitness Niche. So literally all you got to do is just click on it just like this and then click on done. It’s then going to take you through a series of questions. Again, it’s not going to take any longer than 2 to 5 minutes, but once you’ve answered all the questions and you’ve, you know, completed this part of the process, you’re going to be able to access your fully built store by clicking on this option over here. And as you can see, this is the store that it was able to build for me. Everything is done, everything is loaded as it should, you know, everything is customized specifically for the type of products that I plan to sell, which is within the Sport and Fitness niche.

Customizing Your Products

As I mentioned earlier, it loads the store already with ready to sell products. Of course if you don’t want to sell these items you don’t have to. You can change the products, you can remove all of them, you can remove some of them, you can add whatever product that you want. You don’t have to sell these products that you can see on the screen. Using this AI store Builder, it’s just a quick way for you to get things up and running. But of course building at your store, loading it with winning products is just one part of the puzzle. You still need to know what to do when it comes to getting real customers onto your store and also knowing what to do after that. So that’s what I’m going to be touching on in this video.

Attracting Customers

Now when it comes to getting customers or potential customers onto your store, you need to make sure that you’re aware of using paid ads and organic traffic. When I say using organic traffic, this is going to be uploading short form videos to platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and when I say use paid ads, this is going to be things like using Google shopping ads as well as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram ads as well. Now if you’re a complete beginner that’s getting started with a small amount of money and you don’t have a big budget, then using the organic method may be a great way for you to get started because of course all you need to do is publish content to all of these different platforms and from there you’re going to be able to build up traffic.

Building Brand Awareness

So whatever type of Niche that you decided to build, what you’re going to do is build a theme page around that Niche. E.g. if I decided to take this Sport and Fitness Store serious, what I would do is start an Instagram page, a TikTok page and start publishing content around that Niche so that I’m able to build up awareness for my brand. But the mistake that so many beginners make when they first start this online business and they start sending traffic to their store is that they don’t have a way for them to collect people’s email addresses.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Now the thing you need to understand about building this online business is that not every single person that lands on your store from the content that you’re putting out or the paid ads that you’re running is going to buy the product straight away. And that’s why it’s very important for you to be building up an email list and trying to capture as many email addresses for the people that land on your website so that you can now Market to those people to turn them into paying customers down on the line. This is something that I don’t really see that many people on the internet talking about when it comes to starting this online business and it was actually the way that I used for me to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit by starting this side hustle.

Getting Started with Email Marketing

So I’m going to walk you through what you need to know when it comes to the basics of building up an email list and capturing people’s emails as well as knowing how to Market to them and the tool that I’d recommend that you use is Omnisend. I’m going to leave a direct sign up link to it in the description down below. The reason why I recommend it is because you’re going to be able to connect it directly to your newly built Shopify Drop Shipping Store and the best part about it is that it’s completely free for you to get started with it.

Setting Up Omnisend

So once you click the link in my description, you’re going to see this page over here or something that looks similar to this. All you got to do is just click on start free. As you can see, no credit card is going to be needed. All you need to do is just click on sign up with Shopify. Then what you need to do is click on this button over here. Then you’re going to click on install and within a few seconds once you’ve done that, you’re going to see that it’s now connected to your store.

Benefits of Using Omnisend

Now for those of you that are wondering, “Sam, what exactly is Omnisend? How does it work and how is it going to benefit me when it comes to starting this hustle?” Now it’s actually a very powerful tool that every single one of you should be using when it comes to building up a Drop Shipping Store because as you can see it could be used when it comes to sending out email campaigns, various different automations. You’re going to be able to of course build up your email list but I would say that one of the most beneficial reasons of using Omnisend is that you can set up a popup that’s going to appear on your website when someone lands on it and you’re going to be able to instantly capture that person’s email address which is going to give you the opportunity to sell to them in the future and let me show you exactly what I’m talking about.

Creating Email Popups

Right, so this is the store that I built earlier. You guys have already seen it. I’m going to be able to start selling from it straight away but as I’ve already told you, not every single person that lands on this website is going to buy straight away. They may come onto my site from one of my TikTok ads, maybe the organic TikToks that I’m posting, but they may decide to buy later on. So the way that I’m going to be able to capture the person’s email is by coming back over to my Omnisend dashboard. Then what you want to do is click on forms over here and this is the default example of what the popup is going to look like.

Customizing Your Popup

Now of course you can make any changes to it. You know, if you want to offer the person a 10% discount for them to give you their email address off their first order, you could do that. If you want to change it to 15%, you’re also going to be able to do that too. You’ve got complete flexibility when it comes to branding this, changing this, changing the color scheme, whatever you want to do. But to quickly show you how it works, I’m just going to use it as it is and I’m just going to click on enable form. Okay, perfect. So there’s one form that’s now been created. If I come over here to audience, as you can see we’ve got no contacts because of course we just created this account.

How the Popup Works

But the interesting thing is if I just go back all over to the store that I built and refresh the page, this is the popup that’s going to appear once the potential customer lands on this Drop Shipping Store. And of course when they see it, they’re going to say, “Wow, I can get 10% off my order. That’s amazing. Let me insert my email address.” So I’m just going to put a random one, I’m going to click on get 10% off and as you can see it’s now told the person, “Thank you for signing up. As a thank you, you’ll find a 10% discount code in your email inbox.” Now if I go back over to my Omnisend account right now, as you can see we’ve got one total contact which is the email address that you saw me enter.

Building Your Email List

And now imagine if you’re sending thousands of different people to your site every single week. You’re going to build up an email list of 5,000 people, 10,000 people that you know are interested in the products that you’re selling. So this is a powerful way for you to make a lot of money because you’re going to be able to have direct communication with the people that have given you their email address. So using the popup feature is definitely something that I’d recommend that you do, but in addition to that I would also recommend that you use the automation feature as well.

Setting Up Email Automations

If you just click on automation at the top and then click on start workflows, as you can see it’s automatically set up these two workflows where when someone comes onto my site, they add an item to their basket. If that person doesn’t buy the product, it’s going to now send them out an email after 11 hours letting them know that they’ve got a 10% of their product. Using this abandoned cart email feature is definitely a great way for you to increase your likelihood of generating sales on a daily basis.

The Power of Email Marketing

So the overall point that I’m trying to make with all of this is that you need to make sure that you’re using the power of email marketing when it comes to starting this side hustle over here because once you understand how to use emails in the right way for you to make money from there, it’s going to be easy for you to start getting orders. And the reason why I believe this to be one of the best ways to make money from your home is because when an order comes in, you’re then going to receive the money in your Stripe account, bank account, PayPal account and it’s only at that point that you now need to go over to your supplier and buy the product from them. And of course your supplier is now going to ship the product directly to your customer without you ever having to see the inventory.

Creating a Money-Making System

And of course once the customer does purchase from you, that’s another way that you can collect their email address and you’re going to be able to now remarket to that person, send them emails out, get more orders coming through the door and essentially you’re now going to build a money-making system that’s going to be able to pay you even when you’re fast asleep. This is definitely the best online business to get started as a complete beginner. You don’t need that much money when it comes to getting things up and running and as long as you’re aware of the power of email marketing, it’s definitely going to take you far.