The Clever Beginner’s Guide to Earning $100 Daily Online

Smart Decisions for Making Money Online

So when I look back on the methods that I’ve used for me to successfully make money online, I would say that the smartest decisions that I made is number one making sure that I picked a method that excited me and number two making sure that real life people was making real money from that particular method. Because if you’re a complete beginner and you’re able to see that someone is making thousands of dollars every single month from something that you can see yourself doing, then it’s going to give you that push, it’s going to give you that motivation for you to keep going even during the hard times.

Two Side Hustles to Achieve Success

And in today’s article I want to show you two different side hustles that I used for me to go from zero to over a million, and I want to show you exactly what I would personally do when it comes to spying on people that are currently doing these two different side hustles right now as well. But jumping straight into the first one, which is by selling products on eBay.

Starting an eBay Business

Now for those of you that are new to my channel and you don’t know my backstory, building an eBay business was actually the first way that I was able to earn money online. I initially started it back when I was doing my 9 to 5 job, so I would wake up in the mornings, work on my eBay business, when I got back from work I would continue working on my eBay business, and because I was able to be consistent with it, I was able to go from 0 to $10,000 per month and then $20,000 per month, $50,000 per month, so on and so forth to the point where I was now able to quit my full-time job.

The Key to eBay Success

And during all of the success that I’ve been able to see with my eBay business, I would say that the thing that allowed all of that to happen is of course knowing exactly how to see how much someone is making from their eBay stores. There was one particular store that I came across where the person was bringing in around $100,000 per month and they were selling products that I could see myself selling, and I thought to myself, you know what, if they’re making $100,000 per month then why can’t I make $10,000 per month? And that’s exactly what happened.

Researching eBay Products

So let me quickly walk you through what most people would do when it comes to them wanting to sell products on something like eBay. Now I’m just going to use a random product as an example, I’m just going to type in “iPhone 14 case.” So iPhone cases was one of the first type of items that I wanted to sell, and again I’m just using it as an example.

Basic eBay Research Methods

So when it comes to building an eBay business or any type of business, what most people will do is that they’ll type in the name of the product just like this, and then let’s say they come across a particular store. So there’s this store over here, what they might do is click into the listing and then go over to the actual seller store, and of course on eBay you’re just going to get basic information, e.g., that the store has sold over 482,000 items.

eBay’s Built-in Sales Data

Or just generally speaking, when it comes to the actual listings, you’re going to be able to click into any one of them and eBay is going to let you know how many units of a particular item has been sold. So back when I decided to start selling on eBay, this is the information that I would use when it came to me getting a rough idea of how much money all of these different eBay sellers was making until I came across a tool like Zik Analytics.

Introduction to Zik Analytics

Now Zik Analytics is useful for so many things, but one of the things that I really like about it is its competitor research tool. So I’ve just logged into my Zik Analytics account over here and what I’m going to do is click on the competitor research tool just like this, and the reason why it’s amazing is because of how simple it is to use because you’re going to be able to paste the name for any eBay seller in there just like that and then click on search.

Zik Analytics Data Insights

And instantly, within 1 second, it’s going to be able to come back with all of this data, e.g., you’re going to be able to see what the active listings are, how many of those listings were successful in the last 30 days, how many items they sold individually, but most importantly you’re going to be able to see how much money the store brought in.

Setting Realistic Goals with Zik Analytics

So if I was thinking about selling iPhone cases, I now know that there’s a chance that I can be successful and bring in $10,000 in a month because if this seller can bring in $45,000 every month, then there’s a chance that I can easily bring in 10, maybe $15,000. And the good thing about using something like Zik Analytics is that you’re going to be able to see exactly which type of items the store was able to sell the most of because you’re going to be able to sort the 30-day sales from highest to lowest.

Using Zik Analytics for Product Selection

And instantly I’m going to be able to have an idea of which type of items are going to be the best ones for me to sell. And again, this is the exact same process that I went through when it came to building up my eBay business that ultimately allowed me to quit my 9-to-5 job. So I’ll definitely recommend that you try it out.

Offer for Detailed eBay Business Guide

Of course, there’s the actual steps to building up an eBay business, and if you wanted me to make an updated detailed video going through all of the steps that you need to be aware of as a complete beginner, then put in the comments down below “do the eBay business video” and I’ll get onto it ASAP.

Introduction to Shopify

But this now brings me on to the second smart way of being able to make money online, which is with a Shopify store. Now after I built my eBay business, one of the second types of side hustles that I started was selling products on Shopify. And for those of you that’s not really sure exactly what Shopify is, I’m sure by now most of you do, it’s a platform that allows you to build your own e-commerce website.

Transitioning from eBay to Shopify

So once I was successful with eBay, I wanted to diversify my sales and one of the ways that I did that was by selling on Shopify. Now because I was already successful on eBay and I knew what products were selling well, being able to sell them on Shopify wasn’t difficult. But if I was able to see exactly how much money Shopify sellers were making every month back then, it would have allowed me to create multiple different stores in multiple different niches and of course make more money. But that’s exactly what I’m going to show you right now.

Using Zik Analytics for Shopify Research

So the tool that we’re going to be using for this one is also Zik Analytics. So in addition to being able to use it to spy on eBay sellers, you can also use it when it comes to spying on Shopify sellers. Whether you’re looking to buy products in bulk, whether you’re looking to do Drop Shipping, it’s going to be able to help you out.

Exploring Trending Shopify Stores

Now I’ve just come over to the Shopify section over here, and whether you’re someone that already knows what type of items they want to sell or even if you’re someone that has no clue, it’s going to still be able to help you because as you can see over here, it’s got all of these trending Shopify stores listed in terms of how much money they’re bringing in in the last 30 days.

Using Zik Analytics Storefinder

And then from there you’re going to be able to click into any one of these different stores and it’s going to be able to give you more information on how much money they’re making and the type of items they’re selling. So you can definitely use this section over here if you got no clue on what items you want to sell. But if you do know what items you want to sell, what you’re going to be able to do is click on storefinder, and sticking with the same product example that I used with the eBay example at the start of this video, which is iPhone cases, I’m just going to type in “iPhone case” in there just like that.

Analyzing Shopify Store Data

And I could select any of these filters over here but I’m just going to leave it as it is and then click on search. Okay, perfect. So it’s now coming back with all of these different results and one of the first things that I would recommend that you do is sort the revenue from highest to lowest. And just by looking at this one column alone, it’s going to give you all the motivation and inspiration that you need because for these stores to be bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling a product that I could see myself selling, then why can’t I bring in $50,000, you know, $70,000?

Examining a Successful Shopify Store

Now I’m just going to click into any of these stores, I’m going to click on this one over here. Okay, so as we can see with this store, in the last 30 days they brought in $62,000, they sold over 2,400 cases, and if I just scroll down over here, Zik Analytics is going to be able to show me all of the different cases that they’ve got in their store.

Viewing the Shopify Store Website

Now what I’m going to do is go over to their website just so that we can have a look. Okay, so this is their site over here, this is what it looks like, it’s a very simple Shopify site that anyone’s going to be able to build. You’re going to be able to replicate it, and because you know that it’s working, you know that they’re making the money that they’re making, instead of you blindly replicating someone’s store where they could be making $0, at least with this one you know that it’s going to be worth your while.

Analyzing Shopify Store Advertising

And sticking on the topic of replicating, another good thing about using something like Zik Analytics is that you’re going to be able to see exactly what type of ads the store is running as well that’s enabling them to make so much money. So as you can see over here, it says “ads channels” and this particular store is commonly using Facebook ads.

Exploring Facebook Ad Examples

So if I just click on this link, it’s going to take me to this page where I’m going to be able to get an idea of all of the different ads that they’re running. And from here, of course, I’m going to be able to now replicate all of these different type of ads for whatever products or whatever store I’m looking to build.

Zik Analytics Trial Offer

And by the way, if I haven’t already mentioned, if you wanted to sign up to Zik Analytics so that you can start the process of building out your eBay business as well as your Shopify business, you’re going to be able to sign up for a 7-day trial with Zik Analytics by using the link in my description.

How to Start Your Zik Analytics Trial

So whichever method that you’re thinking about starting off with, you’re just simply going to select it over here, either eBay or Shopify, and then from there you’re going to be able to start your trial. It’s only going to cost $1, but you’re going to be able to start your trial, use Zik Analytics unlimitedly for 7 days.

Zik Analytics Discount Offer

And if you did decide to stay on longer than that, by using that link in my description, you’re going to be able to get a further discount if you did want to use Zik Analytics over the long term. But whatever you decide to do, just be sure to use that link in my description down below.

Recap of Smart Ways to Make Money Online

So there you have it guys, those are two of some of the smartest ways that you can get started with making money online by spying on how much money someone is making. But remember, knowing how much money someone is making, knowing exactly how they’re doing it, it’s just one part of the puzzle. As I said earlier, you still need to know the steps that goes into the side hustle so that you’re going to be able to execute it effectively.

The Importance of Knowing Profit Potential

If anything, being able to see how much money someone is making is just going to allow you to know that you’re not wasting your time and your energy. But if you wanted to know exactly how to start a Shopify store step by step and just everything that goes into building it up using the power of AI and all of the things that you need to be aware of as a complete beginner, I’ve got a completely free course.

Free Shopify Course Offer

It’s going to be the top link in the description. Be sure to check that out straight after this because I’ve gotten so much good feedback from it. It’s already helped people start their Shopify Drop Shipping Store even though they might be working a full-time job, even though they might be busy with other things.

Benefits of Dropshipping

When it comes to starting this particular side hustle, you don’t need all the time in the world because you’re not responsible for shipping out the orders. So if this is something that you might see yourself doing in the near future.