A Beginner’s Guide to Your First $1000 Online

The Evolution of Drop Shipping

So if you wanted to start Drop Shipping a year ago, 2 years ago, maybe 3 years ago, you would have went through a long process in terms of number one knowing what winning products were best to sell, number two knowing which supplies to use, number three knowing exactly how to build a Shopify website, and number four knowing exactly how to put all of these different pieces together. It would have maybe taken you up to 3 weeks, maybe up to a month for you to get past the learning curve so that you can start selling.

Modern Drop Shipping Solutions

However, nowadays we live in amazing times where you’re going to be able to get a Shopify Drop Shipping Store built with a few clicks of a button in less than 2 minutes. Not only is the store going to be built with winning products that are connected to trusted suppliers, it’s also going to be built using an optimized Shopify theme that is proven to generate sales. But the best part about this whole thing is that it’s completely free to use.

Creating Your Store

As you can see on this page over here, which you’re going to be able to access if you click the link in my description, you’re going to be able to build a Shopify store in less than 2 minutes. All you need to do is just click this link over here. Then from this point all you need to do is insert your full name, email address, and the niche that you want to focus on when it comes to the products that you want to sell. So I’m just going to fill out this information right now. I’m just going to put my full name, my email address, and for the purpose of today’s video, I’m going to go with the Sport and Fitness Niche.

Store Creation Confirmation

Okay, perfect. So as you guys can see, they’ve emailed me letting me know that my store has been successfully created. This is the email and the password that I’m going to use when it comes to logging in to the back end of my Shopify account, and bear in mind that for me to have gotten to this stage, I haven’t had to pay a single penny. So just read through this email, see exactly what you need to do, but I’m going to be explaining it in today’s article.

Logging into Shopify

So I’m just going to go over to Shopify and show you the rest of the things that you need to do. So head over to shopify.com just like this. Make sure that you select log in. At this point, you’re not going to select start free trial, you’re going to select login, and then from this point you’re going to insert the email address that it gave you. So it’s going to be this email address over here. I’ve got it blurred out and you’re going to use this password. So I’m just going to do that now and show you what the next step is.

Viewing Your Store

Now there’s some other things that you need to do but first and foremost I just want to show you what the website looks like that it was able to build. So the way that you’re going to be able to find it is by going over to online store on the left hand side over here. Then what you’re going to do is just click on view your store. So right here as you can see on my screen right now, I didn’t have to do anything that you can see. This is the site that customers are going to be able to go on to and they’re going to be able to buy all of these different winning products that was loaded to the store.

Store Features and Customization

I didn’t have to select any of these images, I didn’t have to put this text over here, I didn’t need to put all of these different pages at the bottom: terms of service, privacy policy, shipping policy, refund policy. Everything you can see was done using the power of AI as well as these different winning products. If I just click on shop all, these were loaded to the store automatically and I’m going to show you exactly how you can figure out which suppliers have been used in a moment, but one important point that I need to let you guys know at the time of me recording this video, the way that this particular AI tool works when it comes to building websites is that it may give a similar sight to various different people that are using it.

Customizing Your Store

They’re always updating it, they’re always upgrading it, but bear in mind that the logo that’s been used and the general theme and the images may be used on another site. So you want to try and customize it in a certain way to the brand that you’re looking to build. Now customizing it isn’t difficult. All you need to do is head over to the back end of your account, come over to customize over here and for example if I wanted to change the logo, all I need to do is just click on settings, come over to logo and I’m going to be able to easily change it.

Creating a Logo

And making a logo isn’t difficult as well because you can just head over to Canva. As you can see there’s all of these different logo templates and because I’m building a sports brand I’m going to be able to select any one of these. So I’m just going to select this one over here. I’m going to move this image over here just like this and let’s assume that the brand that I’m building is called Fit Pro. I’m going to be able to save this logo just like this, simply upload it just like that, click on done and as you can see the logo has now been changed.

Changing Color Scheme

And if I want to change the color scheme I’m also going to be able to easily do that as well. So if I just come over to settings, change the color to whatever I want, so I’m just going to change it to this red. Now if I go back onto the site and refresh it, you’re going to see that all of the changes have been made. But when it comes to figuring out exactly which suppliers have been used when it comes to all of the different winning products that’s on your store, what you need to do is sign up for a 30-day trial with Auto DS and the reason why you need to do this is because Auto DS is the software that number one picked all of the different winning products in your store and number two they’re the ones that also selected the suppliers as well.

Using Auto DS

And there’s so many other features and there’s so many other ways that you’re going to be able to use Auto DS but first things first you need to sign up for the 30-day trial. So use the link in my description down below. It’s going to take you to a similar page that looks like this. Simply fill out your information once again. You can put your email address or you’re going to be able to sign up using your Gmail account and once you’ve created your Auto DS account, this is a similar page to what you’re going to see.

Connecting Auto DS to Shopify

Now when it comes to connecting Auto DS to the back end of your Shopify account you need to select settings over here, then you need to come over to Store settings and then from here you’re going to be able to click on ADD store, then click on Shopify store, click on continue, make sure that you select this first option over here that says I have a Shopify store connected to Auto DS, just select that and click on continue and on your screen it’s going to say something along the lines of install app. I’ve already done that so it’s prompted me to open apps so I’m just going to select this and for you to know if you’ve connected Shopify to Auto DS successfully you need to click on products and from here you should see all of the products that was loaded onto your store.

Finding Suppliers

And the way that you can figure out which supplier has been used for any one of these different products is by clicking into these three dots overhead and clicking on edit and then you’re going to see this overhead that says supplier. When you click into this link it’s going to take you directly to the supplier that was used as well as the product page. So in this case with this product AliExpress was used but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be the exact same thing for all of the products that’s on your store. So I definitely recommend signing up to Auto DS because it’s an important part of the entire process. It’s going to help you see all of your products, your suppliers and you’re going to be able to set up something called Auto fulfillment so that whenever a new order comes in they’re going to make sure that it’s shipped out automatically.

Final Shopify Setup Steps

But in addition to signing up to Auto DS there’s some last few things that you need to do in the back end of your Shopify account. For example you need to come over to settings, the first thing that you need to do over here is click on users and permission then click on transfer ownership. One important thing that you need to be aware of is that the email address that was used when it came to creating your store isn’t active so you need to make sure that within the back end of your Shopify account in the setting section you update the email address to your correct email address so that you’re going to be able to not lose access to your Shopify account.

Setting Up Payments

Another thing that you need to do is click on payments then click on activate Shopify payments because this is how you’re going to receive money. You’re going to have to submit your details, your name, your address, so on and so forth so this is definitely something that you should do and you should also go through the process of adding a PayPal account as well. Another thing that I’d recommend that you do ASAP is buy a domain. So click on the domain section over here. You can go to GoDaddy, buy a domain from there or you’re going to be able to buy one from here but once you’ve done all of those important things you’ve set up your Shopify account and customers are ready to start buying from you, the question that most of you probably have right now is Sam how exactly am I going to get customers onto my store in the first place and there’s so many different methods out there that you can use, so many different free options and paid options but right here on the screen I’ve got my recommended free option which is TikTok organic as well as one of my top recommended paid options which is Google shopping and as you can imagine there’s an entire step-by-step process that goes into using these two different options.