How Everyday People Are Earning $500 Daily with Google

Google and Making Money Online

So I’m a big believer in using Google when it comes to making money online. Reason being is because I myself I’ve been able to generate millions of dollars using Google in a number of different ways and in today’s article I want to show you three or four of the best ways that you can get started with earning money using Google and I’m also going to show you how you can get started with these different methods in the laziest way possible. You definitely want to stick around for this entire article from start to finish because everything that I’m going to talk about in today’s article I wish I knew a lot sooner because it would have got me to the point of being able to quit my 9-to-5 job, travel around the world to various different beautiful locations while still being able to earn money whilst at all of these different locations a lot sooner.

Making Money with Google Shopping

So let’s get straight into one of the first ways that I would advise that you make money using Google, which is with Google shopping. Now the concept of making money with Google shopping is probably something that you’ve never heard of in your life but at the same time Google shopping is probably something that you’ve used yourself. Now when it comes to Google shopping the way that this works is that you’re going to build up an e-commerce business and you’re going to use the power of Google shopping when it comes to driving traffic to the products that you’re selling and the laziest way that you can get started with this is of course not having to ship out the products yourself.

Dropshipping and Product Research

So you’re going to use the Drop Shipping method when it comes to getting orders and allowing your Drop Shipping suppliers to ship out the orders on your behalf but in addition to that you also want to make sure that you’re finding a product that’s definitely selling well so that you know that your chances of being able to generate sales is going to be a lot higher. Now there’s a certain way that you can figure this out and the tool that I would advise you to use is Zeke analytics. Zeke analytics is one of the best product research tools that’s out there and I’m going to show you exactly why that is.

Using Zeke Analytics for Product Research

So I’m using their product Explorer feature and I’m just going to type in a random keyword for a product which is pregnancy. You can search for whatever type of product that you want or you can just leave it blank and allow Zeke analytics to show you a range of different products that meet your criteria because I’m also going to ask Zeke analytics to show me products that are bringing in minimum $110,000 in Revenue every single month and then I’m just going to click on search.

Analyzing Product Performance

Okay perfect so as you can see one of the top results that came back is this product over here, it looks like a pregnancy Ball by the looks of it. Now as you can see with this product it brought in almost $770,000 so it’s definitely an item that’s selling well according to the data that Zeke analytics has and if we go over to Google Trends I’ve just typed in the keyword of the product over there pregnant ball and ever since 2007 more and more people have been going onto Google to search for this item and that’s the reason why all of these different sellers on Google shopping as you can see I just typed in the keyword once again all of these different sellers are definitely able to generate sales on a daily basis as well and there’s this store that I came across on Google shopping that’s selling the exact same product if I just click on buy now as you can see it’s a one product store where they’re selling this one item they’re currently selling it for around $33.99 and of course on face value you can’t really tell if they are making money or not but if you want to figure out exactly how much money a particular store is making you’re also going to be able to use Zeke analytics for that as well because if I just copy the URL just like this and then head back over to Zeke analytics click on store sales tracker and then paste the URL in there just like this and then click on search instantly as you can see Zeke analytics has now come back and it’s showing us that in the last 30 days this particular seller was able to bring in over $71,000 and they’re currently only selling this one single product so this is amazing if you ask me.

Additional Features of Zeke Analytics

Of course in addition to using Google shopping when it comes to driving sales to their store they’re also using Facebook ads as well but using Zeke analytics just allows you to get an idea of how much money you’re going to be able to potentially make if you want to sell it yourself because you’re also going to be able to come down here and find out exactly where you can Source the exact same product because if you just click on this icon whether you want to drop ship the product from AliExpress whether you want to drop ship it from Amazon Walmart CJ Drop Shipping you’re going to be able to use Zeke analytics when it comes to finding a supplier and it’s also going to show you the estimated profit as well.

Making Money with Blogging

Now a lot of people believe that blogging is dead it doesn’t work you can’t make money from it it’s something that used to work but it doesn’t work anymore when that couldn’t be far from the truth because I’m currently doing blogging myself right now as we speak and I’m going to explain a couple important things you need to be aware of as a complete beginner if you want to get started with this method of making money online. Now for those of you that are completely new to this word blogging and you’re not really sure of exactly what it is it’s actually quite simple all it comes down to is building a website there’s a way that you can do that in the easiest way possible and I’m going to explain that in a moment and on that website all you’re going to do is post written articles you know maybe minimum 1,000 words as often as you can and the goal is to get those written articles ranked on Google so that you can make money in a number of different ways and one of the best ways that you can make money from websites just like this is with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Explained

All affiliate marketing is is where you’re going to place something called affiliate links on your website and when someone clicks into one of those links you’re going to earn something called an affiliate commission and finding affiliate programs for you to sign up to isn’t really difficult as well you can go onto a website like as you can see they’ve got all of these different companies that you probably heard of companies that you probably use yourself for example there’s this company over here called teachable I personally use it and I believe it to be a great product that other people should use as well and I can see that other people are interested in it that’s the reason why if I go onto Google Trends ever since 2015 more and more people have been searching for information about it and as soon as I saw this this created an opportunity for me to start writing articles about it on my website and to show you exactly what I’m talking about if I just go back over to Google search I’m going to type in this search term how to create and sell digital products on teachable and as you can see right there in the Google search results this is my blog website and I’ve been able to get this article ranked on Google if I just click into it this is a very straightforward article that me and my team produced when it came to providing information on exactly how teachable works and of course within this article we’ve got our teachable affiliate link so that when someone clicks into it it’s going to take the person directly to the sign up page where of course if they sign up I’m going to be able to earn a commission and as I’ve already said building websites just like this isn’t a difficult thing to do as long as you’re aware of what goes into it.

Setting Up Your Blog Website

Now one of the first things that you’re going to need to do is get hosting I would recommend using something like hostinger it’s really cheap really easy when it comes to signing up and they can also assist you when it comes to building out your website what you then need to do once you built your website is connect it to the Google search console so you’re going to be able to find it by simply typing in the search term over here then click on on the first one in the results then click on start now there’s going to be a process that you need to follow the reason why you need to connect your newly built blog website to the search console is because this is how Google is going to know that your website even exists most people make the mistake of building a website and automatically thinking that they’re going to get their articles ranked on Google when that isn’t how it works so that’s definitely something that you need to be aware of and when it comes to actually writing out the articles of course you can write it yourself if you want to but the laziest way of doing It Is by using hostinger’s AI content writer this is another benefit to using hostinger because it just saves a lot of time if you did want to produce articles really really quick all you’re going to need to do is just tell Hostinger what your article is going to be about and it’s going to be able to produce a fully written article on your behalf and to give you an example of exactly how it works let’s assume that I wanted to write a new article about how a beginner can start using teachable step by step and I also want hostinger to mention a CTA which stands for call to action for my teachable link I’m going to be able to type in something like this I’m going to be able to say that I want it to be a medium length article tone of voice I want it to be you know friendly neutral and I’m then going to be able to click on create content and just like that as you can see Hostinger has come back with this fully produced article that I’m going to be able to use you know it’s broken it down in terms of the introduction you know setting up the teachable account everything the beginner needs to know about creating their first product and listing it on teachable just everything that goes into the step-by-step process that a beginner needs to know of course you are going to need to read through it make sure that you’re completely happy with it if you are happy with it all you’re going to need to do is click on publish and you’re going to be able to repeat that process over and over again and as long as you’re consistent when it comes to building up your blogging website before you know it you’re going to start to see the commissions coming in and of course you’re going to put yourself in a position of also earning a passive source of income and this now brings me on to the third way that you’re going to be able to use Google when it comes to starting a side hustle which is by earning monthly Google AdSense payments.

Earning Google AdSense Payments with YouTube

So one of the best ways to earn AdSense payments is by starting a YouTube channel and for those of you that’s not really sure of exactly what AdSense is and how it works basically you just need to get your YouTube channel monetized and to do that you just need to reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours and this might sound really difficult to do but it’s really simple as long as you’re able to be consistent you know maybe for a month maybe 2 months maybe even shorter than that you’re going to be able to get the channel monetized which means you’re going to be able to place ads within your video and whenever you get views you’re going to be able to of course earn that monthly payment that’s going to be sent from Google directly into your bank account and for those of you that are thinking right now but Sam I don’t want to sit in front of the camera every day making videos you know buying expensive equipment lighting microphones all of this stuff is there an easy way to do it and yes there is.

and I’m going to show you exactly how you can do it but first and foremost if I just jump onto Google I’m going to type in a random search term that just came to my head which is best crypto coins to invest in if I just click on Google search at the top over here it says videos and as you guys already know Google is the most visited website in the entire world and YouTube is the second biggest website in the entire world and so many people come onto Google for them to watch all of these different videos and because Google has an incentive to put the YouTube videos at the top this creates a good opportunity for someone like yourself that might want to start a faceless Channel Get It ranked on Google and be able to get thousands of people coming onto your video like for example if I just scroll down slightly as you can see there’s this video over here where this person isn’t necessarily showing their face they’re using various different stock overlays various different charts you know various different images you know overlays from websites whatever it is but yet they’ve still been able to get the video ranked on Google and this is something that I’ve been able to do myself a number of different times I’ve been able to produce videos fairly quick you know get them ranked on the Google search results and because of that I’ve been able to earn Google AdSense payments as well like for example if I log into the back end of one of my YouTube channels as you can see I was able to publish this video that got over 100,000 views and this one video was able to bring in over $11,400 in pure AdSense payments and if I just click on the reach tab and then scroll down slightly as you can see over here the main way that I was able to get traffic to this video was external and the external traffic that was able to get over 100,000 people to this video was of course from Google search and producing videos where you don’t need to show your face you don’t need to use your own voice isn’t really a difficult thing to do you can manually do it if you get some sort of editing software and you know how to piece it together all what you can do is use a software called nid AI nid AI Works in a way where all you need to do is just enter a simple prompt and within a few minutes it’s going to be able to give you a fully edited video that you’re going to be able to download and upload onto your YouTube channel and schedule them far into the future and again as long as you’re able to be consistent when it comes to publishing all of these different videos on your faceless Channel you’re going to be able to get monetized and from that point you’re going to be able to earn money from all of your future videos and even the videos that you uploaded from the moment that you started your Channel.