A Beginner’s Guide to Easy Online Earnings

Introducing an Updated Video on AI Side Hustles

So a few weeks ago, I released a article on this website where I showed you guys one of the easiest ways that you can make money online using AI as a complete beginner, and that article did quite well. And off the back of that article, I got various different questions, various different DMs from you guys that wanted me to expand on a couple things. So I thought, you know what, let me make an updated article going through some other things that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting this particular AI side hustle.

Faceless Content Business for Multiple Income Streams

And for those of you that didn’t read that previous article, essentially what it consisted of is me showing you how you can start a faceless content business with the goal of you earning multiple different streams of income. Now when I say a faceless content business, what I mean by this is starting some sort of a faceless business where you’re going to be putting out informative pieces of content, and one of the best ways of doing that or one of the easiest ways is by starting a faceless YouTube channel.

Monetization Options for Faceless YouTube Channels

The reason why I would recommend beginners out there to consider starting a faceless YouTube channel is because, as I said, there’s multiple different ways that you’re going to be able to monetize from it. Whether you want to wait to be accepted into the Google AdSense program, that’s definitely a great way to go because you’re going to be able to earn a passive source of income. But another way that you can start earning straight away is with affiliate marketing. You can also get sponsorships. Really and truly, there’s so many different ways that you can make money from a faceless YouTube channel.

Using Google Gemini for Niche Selection

But first things first, what I want to do is show you one of the easiest ways that you can get started when it comes to picking the niche, picking the topic of what your faceless channel is going to be about. So what you can use is this AI tool over here called Google Gemini. Now Google Gemini is completely free for anyone to use, and one of the best things about it is that it’s connected to Google, which owns YouTube, which means that the data that you’re going to get from it may increase your chances of being successful.

Generating Niche Ideas with Google Gemini

So let me quickly show you how you can use it. So I’m just going to enter a prompt over here, something that says, “I want to start a new faceless informative YouTube channel. Can you give me 10 niches that have a high chance of performing well?” And then click on submit. And straight away, as you can see, it’s now come back with all of these different ideas that I’m going to be able to choose from. You don’t necessarily need to go through this if you already know what you want your faceless channel to be about, but this is definitely a great way to go if you have no idea.

Selecting a Niche: Financial Literacy

So once you get to this point, it’s now going to be down to you to pick which one you believe that you’re going to be able to stick with, which one you’re passionate about. And as you can see, it’s come back with topics or niches like DIY, you know, health and fitness, travel, so on and so forth. But the one that I’m going to move forward with in this article is financial literacy, personal finance. Building online businesses, making money is something that I’m a big fan of, so this is something that I would like to start my faceless channel around.

Generating Video Ideas with Google Gemini

So the next prompt that I’m going to enter is going to be, “Can you give me 10 video ideas for financial literacy?” And then click on submit. And as you can see, instantly it came back with all of these different video ideas that have a high chance of doing well, you know, topics like budgeting basics, building credit, investing 101, tax planning, insurance coverage, you know, all of these different ideas. But the one that I’m going to use as an example throughout the rest of this video is emergency fund essentials.

Using Google Trends to Validate Video Topics

And the reason for that is because what you can do from here is just copy the topic just like this. Then what you need to do is come over to Google Trends, paste the topic of the video in there just like that, click on explore, change this one to worldwide, change this to 2004 to present day, and most importantly change this one from web search to YouTube search. And instantly we can see that there are various different people all around the world that have been going onto YouTube consistently month after month, year after year ever since 2017, looking for information about an emergency fund.

Generating SEO-Friendly Video Titles

So instantly we’ve now got a topic when it comes to the video that we’re going to make on our brand new faceless YouTube channel that has a high chance of doing well, getting views, and putting us in a position where we can start making money online. So what you’re going to be able to do from here is come back onto Gemini and ask it another prompt, which is, “Can you give me 10 SEO friendly titles for emergency fund videos for YouTube?” Click on submit, and instantly we’re going to be able to get all of these different video titles that we’re going to be able to use when it comes to generating our faceless YouTube videos.

Setting Up a YouTube Channel

Now the one that I’m going to use in this example is “How to Build an Unbreakable Emergency Fund.” And now that I’ve got my video idea, of course you’re going to have to go through the process of setting up your YouTube channel. It’s not really difficult to do. You’re just going to head over to youtube.com, you need to make sure that you’ve got a Gmail email address. It’s completely free for you to create a YouTube account and YouTube channel today. The hardest part about creating a YouTube channel is probably coming up with the name, but even then you’re going to be able to use something like Google Gemini when it comes to giving you ideas.

Creating Faceless Videos with InVideo AI

So I’m going to skip that part of it because it’s not really difficult to do, but if you wanted me to make a detailed video showing you how to set up a YouTube account, then put in the comments down below, “Do the YouTube account video,” and I’ll get onto it ASAP. But what I want to do now is show you the most important thing to do, which is how to create your first faceless video. And the tool that you’re going to use to do this is InVideo AI.

Setting Up an InVideo AI Account

So once you’ve clicked the link in my description down below, you’re going to be able to create a completely free account. And what you’re going to need to do once you’ve clicked that link in my description is come over here to where it says InVideo AI and then click on sign up. From there, it’s going to take you to this page where you’re going to be able to sign up either using your Gmail, Apple, or your standard email address. Create your account, and once you’ve done that, this is the next page that you’re going to see.

Features of InVideo AI

Now the reason why I recommend InVideo AI is for a number of different reasons, but mainly because they make it really easy when it comes to generating videos with a click of a button. The only thing that you’re going to need to do is realistically just enter some information into this box over here so that it has an idea of what type of video you want to make. In addition to that, when it comes to the AI voice that’s going to be used, you’ve got the option to use any of the voices that they have. They’ve got multiple different voices in different accents. You’ve also got the option of using male, female, American, British, whatever you want to use. And you’ve also got the option of cloning your own voice.

Cloning Your Voice in InVideo AI

This is super easy to do, and I’m going to show you exactly how you can do it in a moment. But this is definitely a great feature because it allows your videos to have somewhat of a unique touch because it’s going to sound like your own voice. So first things first, what I’m going to do is just turn on the beta features. So I’m just going to click on setting over here, then I’m going to come over here to beta features and make sure that this is turned on. Then I’m going to come back to this page over here and make sure that I’m on InVideo AI version 2.0.

Adding Your Voice to InVideo AI

And when it comes to cloning your voice, what you’re going to do is click on these lines in the top left-hand corner, and then you’re going to come to where it says plugins, and then click on voices. So I’ve already added my voice over here, as you can see, but when it comes to doing so, it’s not really difficult because all you’re going to need to do is click on add voice, and literally you just have to record yourself talking into any type of mic, whether you have this type of mic, a cheap mic from Amazon, or even your iPhone. You’re going to talk into it and you’re going to mention this sentence over here that says, “I give InVideo AI the permission to use my voice in this workspace.” Try and say it as naturally as possible, and once you’ve done that, you’re just going to drag and drop the audio file over here.

Generating a Video with InVideo AI

So as I said, I’ve already done that, and this is my voice. So I’m going to be using that when it comes to generating the faceless video that I’m about to make. So I’m just going to head back over to this page, and I’m just going to enter this prompt with the title of the video that I got from Google Gemini: “How to Build an Unbreakable Emergency Fund.” Then I’m going to add these lines over here: “Make it informative, use my clone voice, use stock videos that are engaging, and also make sure that the video is above 10 minutes.” You can be as descriptive as you want because you can add up to 25,000 characters, but I’m going to keep it simple for now and I’m going to click on generate a video.

Editing and Customizing the Generated Video

Okay, perfect. So as you guys can see, it’s now come back with this fully edited 11-minute video that I’m going to be able to export straight away and upload directly onto YouTube. Now, of course, you want to make sure that you watch it through, and the best part about InVideo AI is that you’re going to be able to easily make any changes that you want. This could be done in two ways. You can either click on edit over here, and as you can see, these are all of the different scenes throughout the entire video, and this is the entire script. So if I want to make any changes, I’m going to be able to do it manually over here, but you’ve also got the option of typing in a command over here and asking it to make any changes that you want it to make.

Previewing the Generated Video

Now before I move any more forward, what I want to quickly do is just play a few seconds of the video so that you can see exactly how it sounds, how it looks, so that you know what type of video you’re going to be able to go away and make yourself. And then I’m going to show you some other important things that you need to know when it comes to using this particular tool and just generally when it comes to starting this side hustle. So let me just quickly press play. “An emergency fund is money set aside for unexpected events. It’s your financial safety net. This money is not for vacations or a new TV.”

Highlighting the Power of InVideo AI

So there you go, guys. That’s amazing, if you ask me. Not only was it able to clone my voice and use it for the voiceover for this entire video, but it was able to make a fully generated video with all of these stock overlays. I didn’t have to do anything that you can see on the screen right now. It was able to do everything with a click of a button. Now, one other amazing feature of this tool that I forgot to mention is that not only is it going to be able to make the video in English, as you just heard, but it’s also going to be able to make faceless videos like this in multiple different languages.

Multi-Language Support in InVideo AI

And the reason why this is powerful is because you’re going to be able to target various different audiences on YouTube. So whether you want to target the English audience, you’re going to be able to do that using InVideo AI. But if you also want to target the French audience, the Spanish audience, there’s various different languages that you’re going to be able to use when it comes to generating videos with InVideo AI. I’m going to put all of them on the screen right now just so that you have an idea of how powerful this tool is.

Translating Videos to Different Languages

But to show you exactly how it works and how quick this can be done, I’m just going to change this video from English to French. So I’m just going to come down here to the command box, and I’m going to say, “Change the language of this video to French,” and I’m also going to say, “Add subtitles as well,” and then click on generate. And just like that, within 3 to 5 minutes or so, it was able to come back and do exactly what I asked it to do. The video is now in French, it’s also got French subtitles, and bear in mind that this is something that you’re going to be able to do with multiple different languages. But again, let me just quickly play a portion of the video just so that you can see exactly what it was able to do.

The Power of AI Integration in InVideo

To be honest, guys, I’m truly blown away at how powerful this is because if you wanted to make a video like this, I would say a year ago, two years ago, you would have had to have used multiple different tools. One tool to script the video, another tool to download all of the stock images, stock videos, another tool to come up with the voice that you’ve used in the video, and if you wanted to translate it, you would need to use another tool. So there’s so many different AI tools integrated into this one software, which makes things a lot easier.

Exporting and Uploading Videos

So of course, from this point, if I wanted to upload this video to a French YouTube channel, all I simply need to do is click on download. If I wanted to export the English-speaking one, I’m going to be able to do that as well. But I’m sure that you’ve seen the potential of being able to create faceless videos like this because you’re going to be able to repeat this entire process over and over again. Now it is important for you to know that if you wanted to do exactly what you’ve seen me do in this video so far, you are going to be able to create a free account within InVideo, as I said earlier.

InVideo Pricing and Value

But if you want to go the extra mile, take things a little bit more serious, you know, export the video with no watermarks, as well as being able to have access to millions of royalty-free images and stock video overlays that would have cost you hundreds of dollars if you wanted to get them separately, then I would advise that you opt in for the paid plan within InVideo. It’s going to cost as little as $20 per month. $20 per month for you to be able to start this side hustle isn’t that much because, as I said, there’s going to be multiple different ways that you’re going to be able to monetize.

Potential Earnings from Consistent Publishing

If you’re able to be consistent when it comes to publishing, let’s say, three to four different article every single week, as long as you make sure to do the right research to ensure that you’re creating videos that you know people are actively searching for using the method that I told you at the start of this article, then the amount that you’re going to be able to earn on a monthly basis is going to be well over the $20 minimum amount that you’re going to pay when it comes to using InVideo for you to get your side hustle off the ground.