Earn $592/Day This Holiday Season with a Simple Christmas Side Hustle

Make $600 Per Day This Christmas Season

I’m going to show you a method that can make you $600 or more per day that anyone can do right now, and hardly anyone knows about this. I’m going to show you the exact results that a close friend of mine is getting doing this exact thing, and I’m going to walk you through exactly how to do it so that instead of bleeding money this Christmas, you can actually end up after Christmas with extra money in the bank.

Exploding Market Trend

It’s based on a trend that is absolutely exploding right now. If you look at my screen, you can see that spike right here. You can see this is this month, and this is people searching for this exact thing that they want to buy. It’s amazing to look at this crazy spike right now in the trends graph that more people don’t know about this.

Business Success Stories

I actually see some guys doing this right now. Here’s one business that’s taking advantage of this, here’s another business that’s taking advantage of this trend right now, and here’s another one that’s taking advantage of this trend. These guys have literally dropped everything that they’re doing just to take advantage of this side hustle, and you can too.

No Special Equipment Required

I don’t know if you can see anything common among these three businesses that I just showed you, but the great thing about it is it doesn’t require any special equipment or any special tools. In fact, everything that you need for this side hustle you probably already have in your house right now.

Holiday Season Opportunity

The thing about this method is it’s trending right now because of the holiday season and especially because Christmas is coming up, so you’re going to have to jump on this quick after you read in this article to take advantage of the trend that’s exploding. Another advantage of it is after this Christmas season is over, once you get started on this, you’re going to be able to use this to generate income for yourself all year long, and I’m going to show you how to do that a little later in this article.

Christmas Light Installation Business

I’m also going to show you how this entire thing can run on autopilot so you really don’t have to do any ongoing work to keep the money coming in.He has made from this exact thing. So you can see what this is right here – Christmas Light Installation, and don’t worry, I’m going to show you how you can make money from this without ever getting on a roof or ever having to touch a single strand of Christmas lights.

Profitable Pricing Strategy

First, let me just show you how much money he’s making from this. He’s making around $4 per foot of roof line. Most roof lines in an average house are around 150 ft, so you know right there that he’s making around $600 per job, and he says right here that he could actually be charging a lot more because it doesn’t take very long to install these things.

Multiple Business Models

Now again, you don’t actually have to get up on a ladder and do the installation to make money from this. These people right here that I showed you earlier, they have all different kinds of businesses – this is a sprinkler system, this guy’s a window cleaning service, this is an outdoor lighting company. They’re dropping everything to dive in on this trend right now.

Google Business Setup

Let me show you exactly how you can make money from this yourself. You want to go to this website right here Google.com/business, and then you’re going to click “Sign In,” and what this is going to do is we’re gonna actually set up a business on Google for Christmas lights. You can just make up your own business name – I just typed in the name “Christmas Light Installations R Us.” Then we’re going to click “Continue,” we’re going to click here “Service Business” because we actually are going to make our visits to customers, and again, don’t worry, I’m going to show you how to make money without ever having to go to anybody’s house just a second here, and for business category.

Business Categories

There’s not an exact category built into Google for this specific business model, but I what I see a lot of people doing is picking categories like “Lighting Consultant” or “Lighting Contractor” or “Landscape Lighting Designer.” Some people are even using the category “Christmas Store,” and that seems to be working as well. So you can just take your pick between those categories, and then you’re going to want to just fill out the rest of this form.

Google Maps Setup

Google will lead you through the whole process of setting this thing up, and what’s going to happen when you’re all done is when someone does a search in Google for “Christmas Light Installation,” you are going to be one of these little map pins that shows up here on the map. And then people are going to start contacting you with requests for you to come and install Christmas lights on their house.

Search Trends

Now you might say, “I don’t want to climb on a ladder, I don’t want to do the actual installation myself.” It’s no problem – you actually never have to leave your house to make money with this. And remember, there’s a lot of people looking for this right now. If you look at this trend graph right here, which is a tool from Google that shows how many people are searching for this, you can see a huge spike in people looking for “Christmas Light Install” and “Christmas Light Installation,” and this is happening near you as well.

Customer Referrals

So when these people start contacting you asking you to do Christmas light installation for them, what you’re going to do is you’re going to refer the person who’s calling who wants Christmas lights installed to one of these businesses right here on Google Maps that is actually doing the service on a daily basis, and then you get a commission just for referring that person over. You can see there’s a number of people offering this service here on Google Maps, so it’s going to be really easy to find someone to refer that customer to.

Commission Options

So you’re going to refer customers over and over and either take a commission on each job, or you could even charge per call. Now two of my kids have set up businesses very similar to this – one of them charges per call, and one of them just charges a flat rate per month to send these calls over. Now if you want to make even more money, you could actually go out there, take the ladder that you’ve probably got in your garage, and go out there and install the Christmas lights yourself, and that way you keep all the money for these jobs.

Seasonal Trends

Now you might say, “What am I going to do when this trend drops?” I change the date here to the past 5 years so you can see what happens every year. Is you’ll notice that every year the trend spikes around Christmas, which is understandable. Christmas light installation businesses make a ton of money during this season, and then of course by January, people stop searching for it and the business drops off almost entirely.

Business Expansion

So what are you going to do here when this business drops off? What’s so powerful about this is what I just showed you about setting up the business on Google so that you can show up as a map pin – you could do that for any kind of business. You could do it for an electrician business, you could do it for a plumbing business, you could do it for any business where people are calling to get services done.

Market Analysis

And you can see if I add “Concrete Contractor” to the trends graph, this is a real steady line – it doesn’t spike up and down at all. There’s a steady stream of people looking for this service on Google. So if you set up this exact kind of thing on Google that I just showed you for concrete contractor or plumber or electrician or whatever, you’ll have a steady stream of calls and people coming in looking to get that service done.

Free Training

Now I know I’m moving really fast on this, and you’re probably saying, “What do I do about the phone number? How do I route the calls? How do I make sure I get paid? Do I need to set up a website?” There’s all kinds of questions like that I’m sure this raises for you that I could never cover in this short article, we will actually send that free class to your email address. So make sure you put in your best email so you can actually receive the free class in your email, and you can use this same tool here that I showed you – Google Trends – to see how many people are searching for all kinds of other things.

Christmas Light Installation Business Trend

Whether it’s Plumber or Electrician or Drywall repair, or any kind of a service business, what I would really encourage you to do before you go and do a bunch of research on a bunch of other markets – dive into this Christmas Light Installation trend right now.

Google Maps Strategy

Because as you can see on the graph, it’s going to peak, and there’s a ton of money being made right now with this exact thing. It’ll let you get your feet wet with how the whole Google Maps thing works and how the Google pins work. Then when the trend starts to die off a little bit, you could dive into other markets like I said, like Plumber, an Electrician, and things like that.

Success Stories

Let me show you some amazing testimonials from people who are doing this exact business model that have taken in my training. Here’s somebody’s second payment from this client – $533! Here’s a guy named Jose who made $500 plus $800 bonus from a Tree Service guy using this exact same business, referring Tree Service calls straight over to a Tree Service guy.

Multiple Income Streams

Here’s one of my students, Sarah, who’s making money from the Home Inspecting market, from Limos, Towing, all using this exact same business model on Google Apps. One of my students made so much money from this that he used his extra money to buy this car right here and posted it on Facebook!

Commission Earnings

Here’s some money that one of my students posted – a commission job. When she refers customers to one of these business owners, she actually takes a commission on each job, and she posted this photo on Facebook of some of the money she made from that.

Family Success

Here’s a screenshot of my daughter’s PayPal payment that she got. This was only the second payment that she ever received. Again, this was a commission deal that she worked out.

Year-Round Opportunity

But my main point is you can dive in with the Christmas Lights thing right now. It’s a huge trend that’s going to spike for the next couple of months, and then after that, you can go into all kinds of other niches like I’m showing here to make really good money all year round without ever having to leave your house.