Earning $600 Per Day by Copying & Pasting

Ryan Hildr $600 Per Day Strategy

We make $600 per day just by copying and pasting from Google Bard, which is kind of like Google’s version of Chat GPT. In the article, I’m going to be playing a little, a few minutes of it. He actually shows a screenshot from his PayPal, and he claims he made all this money just by copying and pasting from Google Bard, so I’m excited to see what he’s got in store for us.

PayPal Payment Proof

In this article, I’m going to show you step by step exactly how to earn over $600 step-1 daily utilizing Google and Google B AI, and I’m going to show you exactly how to do this as a complete beginner for absolutely free. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it. Now, as you can see right here, this is a nice big PayPal payment that was sent to me simply for using Google Bard AI.

Global Strategy

Now, I do want to mention before I get into this, I looked into it, and this is a strategy that you can do from anywhere in the world, and it’s a completely free strategy to do through. Now, the very first place you want to come over to is Google, and what you will search in the search bar right here is “List Verse.” Now let’s get right into it.

List Verse Website

So it looks like the first step according to Ryan here is to go to this site called List Verse, and I’ve actually seen this site before, but I didn’t know you can make money from it. It actually looks like a blog that’s made almost entirely of top 10 lists. So according to Ryan, we got to go up here to the top and click on “More,” and then we’re going to click right here where it says “Write and Get Paid.”

Payment Process

And looks like this is a bunch of fine print here for how we get paid, and it’s got a bunch of information here, and basically looks like what we do here is, right here I’m highlighting, “You write your list, top 10 items per list, and you send it in, and then we reply and say great, we’ll publish it and we’ll send you $100 by PayPal.”

Submission Guidelines

So basically, the way you make money with this site is by submitting a blog post to the site. Now I’m looking at one thing here though in the fine print that Ryan doesn’t mention, and it says here that either they’re going to say “Yes, we accept your blog post,” or “We reply and say sorry, this isn’t the sort of thing our readers will love, give it another shot.”

Acceptance Rate

So right off the bat, this looks like not every single blog post that we submit to List Verse is going to be accepted and actually make us money. So hopefully Ryan has a trick for us on how to get our blog posts, how to get more of them submitted so we can actually make money off of this copy paste thing that we’re going to be doing.

Yellow Flags

And there’s some other rules here as well that sort of detail if they’re going to accept your post or not. So right away I’m seeing, you know, might be a little bit of a yellow flag if it’s really hard to get a post accepted by List Verse because you have to be accepted to actually make the $100.

Consistency Requirements

It also looks like you’re going to have to be submitting these quite a bit, so this isn’t just something you can do one time and make money off of it afterwards. You’re going to need to be consistent submitting blog posts to this site day after day in order to keep the money going in.

Monthly Income Potential

So let’s assume that you could get one post approved every single day, that means you’d make $100 per day, and you’d make around $3,000 in a month if this whole thing works. But you do have, looks like you’re going to have to be consistent to doing this every single day if you want the income to be consistent.

Side Income Reality

Also, it looks like probably this isn’t going to be able to support you full time, I can see that right off the bat from the rules. More like it’s going to be side money that you can make if you want some extra money on the side. Now I do want to say before I go any further, actually have a class, that actually teaches you how to set up an online business that can give you a full-time income, not just side money, but a full-time income.

Free Online Business Class

And also the nice thing about that free class is it teaches you how to set up an online business that after you get it all set up can actually run on autopilot after that and bring in money for you day after day whether you’re working or not.

Getting Started with List First

Now, let’s get back to the technique with List First. So, on here on this page that I’m showing, it looks like step 2. This right here is the form where you click right there, and this is where you’re going to submit your Top 10 list right here, so it looks simple enough.

Google Bard Introduction

Now, let’s see what Ryan has to say about what we do with Google Bard, because we still haven’t even done anything with Google Bard yet. Bard.Google.com – so Google Bard is better than Chat GPT, my experience, and I’m going to show you why that is.

Creating Blog with Bard

So what we’re going to do is we’re just going to ask Google Bard, the AI Artificial Intelligence technology, to write a blog for us. So we’re going to say, “Can you write me a viral blog about a Top 10 list?” Okay, and then we’re going to press go. So it looks like what he’s saying to do, you just type in “Bard AI” in the Google search bar, and it comes right up here.

Prompt Instructions

According to Ryan, what we’re going to do then is we’re going to type into this prompt bar, “Please write me a blog article about a viral Top 10 list,” and once we type that, then we’re going to click the go button. You can see that it populates a full blog post article for us here, pretty impressive, all in Bard, and we didn’t have to do a lick of work to do it. So it looks like, yeah, Bard also gives us the option to view other drafts of the same blog post overall, and looks like it turned out pretty well.

List Verse Submission

Now we are going to actually copy this entire post that Bard generated for us, and then we’re going to go back to List Verse here. Just follow along with what I’m doing, and according to Ryan, then we click on this hyperlink “Submissions Form,” and then when you do that, you can see the form come up. So we have to fill that out, and I’m going to go ahead and just fill it out with my personal details.

Submission Process

Then after you submit your personal details, I’m just going to fill in each part of the Top 10 list. So I’m going to go back and forth between Bard, and I’m going to just copy and paste the list title, the introduction here, and then I’m going to paste the actual blog itself. Then when that’s done, I’m going to agree to the terms of conditions, and boom, I’m going to submit the list.

Word Count Issue

Okay, so it looks like when I submit it now – now Ryan didn’t mention this in his video, but it looks like when I submitted the list, it failed because it said it had to be at least 1,800 words long and preferably under 2,500. So we’re going have to go back and fix this.

Fixing Length

No problem, let’s just go back. Obviously, Ryan didn’t talk about this, but I think this is easily fixed. So we’re going to go back into Google Bard, and at this time, I’m going to tell Google Bard to rewrite this and make it 1,800 to 1,900 words long so that’ll keep it inside the limit of what List Verse wants us to submit.

Final Submission

All right, so um, looks like it’s all done, and I am just going to copy and paste this new article, and I’m going to click submit again. Once I submitted the article, you can see a little popup came up there and said they will be in touch with me soon, and so I guess now we just wait.

Email Confirmation

Actually, so I just checked my email, this actually does look pretty good. I mean, as soon as I submitted, I got an email telling me they’re going to review it, they’re going to get back to me as soon as possible to let me know whether what I submitted is accepted for their website, and I guess that’s when they tell me if I get paid or not.

Waiting Period

So I guess I have to actually wait till they approve me before I get paid, so I’m just going to pause this now and I’m going to come back to you tomorrow and let you know whether they (24 hours later) actually accepted my submission to their site or not.

Results Update

All right, so I’m back, and I will say I still have not received anything from them yet, and we’ll see if this changes, and I’ll actually update you if I hear back from them. I guess only time will tell, but right away this shows you kind of what the income expectation is for this site because, for example, I submitted content, a Top 10 list to them, and after 24 hours they still hadn’t replied to me. So obviously this isn’t even something I could do every day. I’d initially thought with my projections that if I submitted an article every single day, that I could make $100 per day, right?

List Verse $100 Submission Process

Because on their site, it said I get $100. So, let’s say I could submit five lists to List Verse every single day. Let’s say only one of them gets accepted every single day, then I make about $100 every day. But as you can see, I only submitted one list to them, and after 24 hours, they still hadn’t replied to me to tell me if I accept it or not.

Acceptance Ratio Analysis

So, this isn’t something obviously you could do every single day. So it might be worth it to keep trying and see what kind of a ratio do you get. Like for example, is it one out of 10 that they accept? Is it one out of five that they accept? Is it like at one out of two that they accept? Or maybe it’s only one out of like 100 that they accept? That really affects how much income you can make with this Copy Paste based BAR technique.

Ryan Income Screenshot

Now Ryan, he showed a screenshot where he had made over $1,000. He claims he made over $1,000 from this, so he must have submitted a lot of articles and waited quite a long time to hear back from the site to see if they accepted him or not. Even though this looks like it might be actually legitimate, this doesn’t look like something where you could really depend on it for your income.

Online Business Class

And again, I want $1,059. Conclusion to encourage you, really owe it to yourself to check out we actually teach you how to set up an online business that you can depend on, and I’ve taught this to many people over the years. This exact system and it is supporting their families, it’s supported my family over the years, and it’s supporting many, many people full-time using the exact system.

Residual Income System

And know that system that I teach in the description area doesn’t have anything to do with List Verse or even with BARD or anything like that. It’s a totally different system, but once you get it all set up, it can bring you income, residual income on autopilot whether you are working or not.

Comments Request

And also, I just want to say if you have used List Verse successfully, please post in the comments how many top 10 lists you were able to successfully submit to their site and get accepted. And also if you have a side hustle that you would like me to try live on camera just like I’ve done here today.