Mdex Price Prediction : $MDX Price 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040

If you are considering investing in the Mdex crypto coin, you will probably be interested in getting its short-term and long-term price predictions. Those predictions can also be useful to you, if you have already invested in the Mdex crypto coin, and want to know the future outlook.

What does the Mdex price prediction look like? Its all-time high was on February 22nd 2021, when it was trading at $10.11. We can expect Mdex price to rise to $0.7 by end of 2021, $1.1 by end of 2022, $1.5 by end of 2023, $3.2 by end of 2025 and $19.1 by end of 2030.

Thus our Mdex crypto price prediction is a cautiously optimistic one. According to our MDX price prediction, the short-term outlook is not particularly nice. This is because the coin has lately been on a downward trend.

But we can expect the coin to stabilize soon, and then embark on a slow but steady upward trend.

Mdex Price Prediction

Therefore our long term Mdex price prediction is optimistic: with indications that the coin may cross the $1 mark before the end of 2022 and then cross the $10 mark by 2028 (for those who are ready to hold on for that long).

Our Mdex crypto price prediction is on the basis of the coin’s historical performance, the underlying technologies and the likely future trends.


What Is Mdex?

Mdex can be best described as an automated market making exchange protocol which is decentralized. It operates on a two chain model: one being the Houbi Ecological Chain model and the other being the Ethereum Network model.

Mdex’s core concept is that of fund pools. But unlike other market making exchange protocols that only operate on the Ethereum network, Mdex also runs on the Huobi Ecological chain.

That gives it both a better transaction speed and lower transaction cost advantage.

The people who provide their computing resources to support the Mdex decentralized market making exchange protocol are rewarded with the Mdex coins. Those coins are thereafter tradable, like all other crypto coins.


Who Created Mdex?

The creators of Mdex were Nate Flanders and Anant Handa. In the project, Nate Flanders was the CEO, with Anant Hand as the CSO.


Mdex (MDX) Historical Price Analysis

Before venturing into the Mdex crypto price prediction, it is worthwhile for us to pause briefly, and take a look at this coin’s historical price analysis.

The historical price analysis would be helpful in putting the Mdex price predictions we shall be looking at into perspective.

Mdex current price (as at December 4th 2021) is $0.55. The coin’s all time high – so far – was on February 22nd 2021 – at $10.11. For most of its trading life, Mdex has been stable, with only a few (but rather big) fluctuations.

One such fluctuation was in February: which led to Mdex attaining its all-time high (of $10.11) on February 22nd, 2021.

In the recent past, Mdex has been on a downward trend. Starting from $0.74 on November 20th 2021, it gradually went down to $0.65 by November 26th 2021. 

Then it seesawed between either sides of the $0.65 mark, before plummeting even further to the current price of $0.55 as at December 4th, 2021.


MDX Market Cap

Another key thing we need to look at, before venturing into MDX price prediction is the coin’s market cap. Just like the historical price analysis, the market cap will help in putting the Mdex price prediction into proper perspective.

As it turns out, MDX market cap is at $506.9 million.


MDX Circulating Supply And Total Supply

Other essential things to look into, before proceeding into the actual Mdex price prediction, are the coin’s circulating supply and total supply numbers.

As it turns out, the circulating supply for Mdex is 790 million coins, while total supply is 1 billion coins.


Mdex price today – Current Price

Yet another important pillar we need to look at, before venturing into the actual Mdex price prediction is that of the current price.

The Mdex price predictions wouldn’t really make a lot of sense, without insight on what the coin’s current price is.

As it turns out, Mdex’s current price (as at December 4th, 2021) is at $0.55.


Mdex (MDX) Future Price Forecast Prediction

Starting from a current price of $0.55 (as at December 4th, 2021), we can expect Mdex’s price to rise marginally in the coming weeks. We expect it to close the year at $0.72 or thereabouts.

Going by current trends, we can expect, in the next year, for Mdex’s price to continue rising slowly but steadily. It should cross the $1 mark in the course of 2022, to close the year at around $1.1.

Going further forward, we can expect the Mdex coin price to be hovering around $1.5 by end of 2023. It should then rise to $3.2 by end of 2025.

We can expect it to cross the $10 mark sometime around 2028, ending up at $19.1 by end of 2030. So that is how our future Mdex price prediction looks like, if the current trends hold. But it is worth noting that this Mdex price prediction is rather conservative.

Should there be greater awareness about Mdex and should there be major improvements in the Mdex decentralized exchange (or more features added to it), the Mdex coin’s price may rise exponentially in coming days.


Mdex (MDX) Short Term Prediction

Our short term Mdex price prediction is cautiously optimistic. In the short term, we only expect Mdex’s price to rise marginally.

As at December 4th, 2021, Mdex is trading at $0.55. We expect this to rise to the $0.72 level by end of December 2021.

In the next year, going by current trends, we expect very slow but gradual growth. That should see the coin’s price settle at the $1.1 level or thereabouts by end of December 2022. So that in essence is our MDX price prediction 2022.

Therefore, going by our prediction, if you are a short-term speculative investor, Mdex may not be a particularly good investment for you. That is because we can only expect marginal growth in its price in the short term. And there may actually be some price dips in the short term.


Mdex (MDX) Long Term Prediction

Our long term MDX price prediction is more optimistic. In the long run, we can expect Mdex’s price to rise to remarkable levels.

For instance, starting from a current price of $0.55 (as at December 4th, 2021), we can expect Mdex’s price to rise to $3.5 by end of 2025. This means that if one invests $1,000 in Mdex today, that investment may be worth $6,364 by the end of 2025.

Further, starting from a current price of $0.55 (as at December 4th, 2021), we can expect Mdex’s price to rise to $19.1 by end of 2030. So this means that if one invests $1,000 in Mdex today, that investment may be worth $34,727 by end of December 2030. And that is just 9 years away.

So, even assuming that Mdex maintains its current slow growth trajectory, the long term outlook is still reasonably optimistic.


Mdex Price Prediction 2023

By the end of December 2023, we expect Mdex to be trading in the $1.4 to $1.7 range. This is assuming that the coin maintains its current slow growth trajectory.

However, should there be greater awareness about Mdex (seeing that it is still a relatively young coin), then the growth can be more impressive.

Further, should there be greater awareness about the market making technology behind the Mdex coin, the growth may be more impressive.

Another thing that may cause impressive growth is improvement in the Mdex decentralized protocol technology or additional of better features.

But even without all those, just going by the current trajectory, we can expect Mdex coin’s price to be in the $1.4 to $1.7 range by end of December 2023.

This implies that a $0.55 investment made in Mdex today (going by the current price of $0.55 as at December 4th, 2021) has potential to at least triple in value by end of December 2023. So this is how our MDX price prediction 2023 looks like.

Mdex Price Prediction
Mdex Price Prediction


Mdex Price Prediction 2025

In the year 2025, we expect Mdex to be trading in the $3.5 to $3.7 range. Again, the Mdex price prediction we are giving for 2025 is very conservative. And it assumes continuance of the current slow growth trajectory.

Going through most Reddit Mdex price prediction threads, you see a similarly cautiously optimistic sentiment. Indeed, the 2025 Mdex price prediction Reddit crypto enthusiasts give for 2025 is in this range.

These figures may seem modest, but they are actually reasonably good. As we have demonstrated elsewhere, assuming a price of $3.5 by end of 2025, it would mean that a $1,000 investment made today would be worth $6,364 by 2025. And that is just in about 4 years’ time. All in all, this is how our MDX price prediction 2025 looks like.


Mdex Price Prediction 2030

If Mdex continues to grow in a slow but steady manner (as it has done since launch), we can expect it to be trading in the $19.1 to $19.8 range by end of the year 2030.

Then again, should there be positive signals (for instance, greater demand in the technology underlying the Mdex coin or improvements in Mdex protocol features), we can expect even greater growth.

But our most conservative prediction is for a price in the $19.1 to $19.8 range. That is by the end of the year 2030. So that is our MDX price prediction 2030.

Now it is worth remembering that, as at 2021, the year 2030 is only 9 years away. Yet if one makes at $1,000 investment in Mdex (as per the current price of $0.55 on December 4th, 2021), they can expect the investment’s value to be at $34,787 by 2030.

And that is assuming a very slow growth rate, and going by our MDX Mdex price prediction of $19.1 by end of December 2030.


Mdex Price Prediction 2040

Should Mdex retain its current slow but steady growth trajectory, it is reasonable to expect it to be trading in the $40 to $50 price range by 2040.

By then, the Mdex decentralized market making exchange protocol should have become a mainstream thing. Moreover, awareness about cryptocurrencies in general, and Mdex in particular should be much greater.

Thus, a price expectation in the $40 to $50 range is not unreasonable, by 2040.


Is Mdex A Good Investment?

For investors with a long-term outlook, Mdex is a reasonably good investment. But for investors with a short-term outlook, Mdex may not be a particularly good investment. That is because its price has been seesawing and sometimes declining greatly in the recent past.

But one can expect it to stabilize in due course, and embark on a slow but steady climb. That is why, going by our Mdex price prediction, we term Mdex as a reasonably good long term investment.


Is Mdex Safe To Buy?

Mdex is reasonably safe to buy. Although its price performance has not been particularly impressive, it is nonetheless reasonably stable. It doesn’t show signs of crashing. And it is a legit coin. For those reasons, we can term it as ‘safe to buy’.


How To Buy Mdex? Step By Step Guide

There are three key steps you need to follow, if you wish to buy Mdex.

Firstly, you need to set up an account on one of the crypto exchanges where Mdex is available. So you open a crypt exchange account, if you don’t have one.

Secondly, you need to deposit funds into the crypto exchange account you set up.

Thirdly, you need to log into the crypto exchange account and indicate that you wish to buy Mdex. Then provide all the required details, to complete the purchase transaction.

Thereafter, you can move your Mdex coins to an online crypto wallet. Then keep them there until you decide to dispose of them.


Best Crypto Exchanges To Buy Mdex

Mdex is on Binance exchange since May 2021. Besides Binance, other good exchanges you can buy Mdex from include Houbi Global, Pancake Swap and Coin Tiger.


How High Will Mdex Go?

As per our MDX price prediction, we expect Mdex to go up to $1.1 by end of 2022, $3.5 by end of 2025 and as much as $19.1 by end of 2030.


Will Mdex Go Up Tomorrow?

As at December 4th 2021, Mdex is trading at $0.55. It is reasonable to expect it to go up [marginally] tomorrow.


Will Mdex Reach $1?

Mdex is currently trading at $0.55, as at December 4th, 2021. Going by our Mdex price prediction, we expect it to cross the $1 mark sometime in the course of the year 2022.


Is Mdex Better Than Filecoin?

Mdex is trading at a much lower price than Filecoin. While Filecoin is at around $38.96 as on December 4th, 2021, Mdex is trading at $0.55. This means that for any sum of money, you can buy more Mdex units than Filecoin units. So Mdex is better than Filecoin in that regard.

Mdex is also a rather young coin, with good potential for growth in coming days.

Still, it is worth remembering that Filecoin is a well known and almost fully established coin. While Filecoin has a crypto ranking of 34, Mdex has a ranking of 153. So in such regards, Filecoin may be a better coin.


Final Verdict – Mdex Price Prediction MDX Coin

Our Mdex price prediction shows it maintaining a slow but steady growth trajectory. We expect Mdex to be trading at around $0.7 by end of December 2021, $1.1 by end of 2022, $3.5 in 2025 and as much as $19.1 by 2030.

Mdex Price Prediction
Mdex Price Prediction

Thus, this coin comes across as a reasonably good investment for those with long term outlooks. But for those with a very short term speculative outlook, Mdex may not be a particularly good investment.