Remove object from anything -start with 0$.

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Photoshop Tutorial Introduction

In this Photoshop tutorial, I’m gonna tell you how to remove anything from a photograph. Now this could be from power lines to braces on teeth to people and more. Let’s get started.

Channel Introduction

Hey cafe crew, Colin Smith here from and today I’m gonna tell you several different techniques for removing things and photographs. We’re gonna get rid of braces on teeth, we’re gonna get rid of power lines and we’re gonna remove people. Now there’s gonna be a number of different techniques in these tutorials so pay attention to these techniques and also be flexible that you can use these to remove anything from a photograph and by the way and also a lot of the tutorials that I do there’s also a written component on the Photoshop cafe website and generally speaking I’ll put a link underneath where you can go in there and check that out too so let’s get started with technique number one.

Corporate Photo Example

In this case I don’t know if you’ve ever done any corporate work but there’s always somebody that leaves the company right after the photos being taken for say the annual report and in this case this guy here is no longer with the company we need to get rid of him so what do we do do we schedule another shoot or do we get rid of them in Photoshop obviously it’s pretty simple which may be getting rid of them Photoshop spoiler alert.

Removing a Person

Okay so this is how I’m gonna do it we’re gonna grab the lasso tool first thing we want to do is just kind of create a clean area behind him. Okay let’s start with a quick selection tool and we’re just gonna make a selection around our worker that is no longer at the company of course this also works just as well for exes you know for those beautiful holiday photos that you want to keep the photo but you don’t want that person same technique.

Duplicating Layer

Alright so we’ve selected him and what we want to do is we want to get rid of them but before we do I want to put her in a new layer. Alright so we’re gonna duplicate the layer so drag it in there and notice we’ve got a copy and I always like to have a nice clean copy behind and what we want to do now is we want to get rid of a person so we just can use content aware shift delete an edge shift backspace on windows opens up the fill dialog box now go and choose a content to where content aware it is now active and we’re just gonna click OK and we’ll see how it looks.

Content-Aware Fill

Alright not a bad starting place well maybe not. Alright so we’ve got some other place we can do this let’s go here and we’re gonna choose to edit we’re gonna go down to content aware fill and what we can do is hit the spacebar to move across and we want to remove these people from this selection so it just shows the background make sure you grab this masking tool and then we’re just gonna paint over the people because we don’t want them to be included and our sample so it’s just as simple as grabbing them and let’s just paint over another person and you can look in the preview here and this will update and see how it’s looking a lot cleaner now looks like I really want to go just a little bit wider with him so why don’t we grab our lasso tool here and what I can do is I can actually just go here and increase the area around him so we want to just go around his head let’s select all of that and notice how it updates in the preview same thing down here let’s go down there and we’re gonna select a larger area well drawing a little wonky here but that’s okay and looking in here see how that updates now and we can see we’re doing a lot better let’s make sure we just increase the area on the side there and I should update looking good maybe a little bit more notice how this is appearing and this is coming from the floor so why don’t you also go in there I’m just gonna hit the spacebar and I’m gonna grab in here and by the way what I did there is I just did fit to screen and this you can just save a little bit of time and cuz we don’t want that that panel at the bottom there see now that removes it looks a lot better yeah as a problem there but don’t worry about that so we’re good we’re gonna click OK to apply a content-aware fill ctrl D to deselect.

Moving People

Alright so we want to just kind of move these people over now so what we’re gonna do is just select both of these layers and then we’re gonna hit ctrl E and then what it’s doing is it’s essentially giving us one copy with the clean and one copy there so what we’re gonna do now is we’re going to select tap people so let’s just grab our lesser tool and let’s make a selection around them and make sure we go down over her area here nicely select that bottom and now what we want to do is move them over and we’re gonna choose content aware move now we’re just gonna click and drag over I’m gonna say overlapping her I’m just a little bit there maybe about their release and then hit enter to apply ok so two things happened there one it blended this into the new area and then it used content-aware fill to clean up the area that we came out of and you can see it’s not bad but there’s a little bit of work that needs to be done there and you know for this last little bit there’s different ways we could do it you know we could just copy a selection or we could use the clone stamp tool maybe create a new layer go in here grab a clone stamp tool and make sure a current and below is set alt or option key to kind of sample that floorboard move over so we see us lined up nicely tap and now we just paint with the clean area see that in this area here with this couple of the little artifacts you can use a little content-aware and a little clone just to clean it up so here’s a sharp from Las Vegas and you’ve seen the sign many times before but maybe you didn’t realize all these power lines were there well fortunately I’ve got a great technique to get rid of these really quickly hope we gonna do is we’re gonna create a new layer then we’re gonna go down and we’re gonna grab our Spot Healing Brush tool now make sure with the new layer selected we turn on sample all layers now just use the left bracket key to get that brush nice and small and all we’re gonna do is click once release now hold the shift key move to the very end of that power line tap again creates a straight line and it gets rid of the power lines let’s do it again tap release hold shift click power lines simple as that now what you don’t want to do though is hit the shift key first and in click because then it creates that line across there as you can see so make sure you tap release hit shift click once again tap released hold shift click and if you miss a bit no big deal just tap release shift I know I’m being very repetitive but it’s really important that you remember that proper sequence otherwise you get that line torn there and it’s as simple as that to get rid of straight lines such as power lines out of photos.

Removing Braces

Alright let’s move on to our third technique let’s look at how do we get rid of braces inside of a photograph that controller command one and that will bring you into 100% view which is the best view for doing list retouching you want to be a nice and close but you’re someone to see the pixels nice and true.

Brush Tool Technique

Okay so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna select the brush tool and whenever you do retouching you want to create a new layer and then that means if we mess it up we can always just mask it out. Alright what we’re gonna do is we’re just actually gonna paint over here now we could use a clone stamp tool or we could use content aware but that’s gonna give us kind of Bloodshy results in this case there’s not a lot of detail in teeth so one of the most accurate ways of doing it believe it or not is to just sample the colors and paint and I’ll demonstrate hit the alt or the option key tap once and you see we now sampled that color and then we can just paint it in so see how we’re doing that let’s go from the top here and what we’re doing is just simply painting in with the color of that too now a couple of things here notice it’s a little bit blotchy what you want to do is go up here make sure that the hardness is tuned all the way down you want a nice soft brush and in this case what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make the brush a little bit bigger I’m gonna hit the alter the option key and now I’m gonna just kind of paint in there now if you want to blend it in we could drop the opacity down a little bit and have the two key and this is how you kind of blend two sides in so like that color and now start to paint with a 20% opacity grab the other side and start to pay for 26% opacity and notice how now where everybody just kind of starts to blend these in nicely and then you would just do the same thing here let’s make a small brush gonna hit out eruption and we’re just gonna sample now make sure we turn our pasady all the way back to 100 which is just tapping the zero key and now we’re just gonna go in here and see what we’re doing were just painting back in here now to sampling these colors and then once again drop your opacity down to 20% and we’re just gonna grab the outside area and just start to blend that in and see that I’m down here grab 20% start to blend it in and eventually you’re gonna nicely blend in those teeth.