UI Verse.io: Boost earnings with pre-built components!

Project Development Requirements

As a blockchain number, you have to save this website because sometimes what will happen that you will get a project, and in that, you have to cover almost every single thing. So you have to write the smart contract, you have to build the front-end, you have to connect the smart contact with the blockchains, and you have to make the full functional tab.

Resource Utilization Strategy

So not a single individual can be good in all of these areas. So in that scenario, we have to utilize those tools, those applications already exist. So in most of my projects, I take the inspiration from all these websites which I use on my regular basis for designing the front-end, and this is one of the best websites I found and I have been using for quite long. So I thought let’s share with you all.

UI Versa Platform Overview

When you will get any project and when you have to build the front-end, that way it will save a lot of your time. So this is the website “UI Versa,” and it has pre-built components. Almost every single component you will find, all you have to do is to get the code and utilize in your project. So you can see they have tons of things.

Component Navigation Experience

So you can simply browse through all this area. So just imagine that I’m looking for a loader. So right now these loaders look amazing. You can see if you can change the thing, okay this looks pretty good. They have this theme system as well.

Loader Design Varieties

So this is how it will look in the dark way, and this is how we look in the light mode. But if you click on this later loader, here you will find tons of different app uploaders. So here you have this loader, you have this one, and there are tons of loaders you will find here. This one looks pretty good, and this one is also looking good, and this one is also amazing. I really like this design. We have this one and tons of loaders you will find here.

Form Implementation Features

So you can see they have a bunch of styles which you can easily able to utilize in your project. So let’s go through the couple of things. So this is the input fields you have, this is the form component. So they have a lot of pre-built form components. Like in the NFT marketplace, we have designed the signup form from scratch, but like you can simply literally copy the code and you can utilize it in your project.

Interactive Design Elements

So I will go with this struggle because this is the one which I have used in one of my projects, and you will find different types of styling. So this is the one which I have used. I’ll show you right now. So this one is pretty good. You can click and you can see everything is fully functional, everything’s looking good, and I want to show you one more. This one is also pretty interesting but I found out, like where it is, okay, and this one is also looking good.

Component Showcase and Styling Options

Okay, this looks pretty nice. So you can see there are tons of styling which you can easily able to take, and this is the one “Add to Favorite,” and this one is also amazing component. This is for the runway, okay this one is quite interesting, and let me show you how it will work. So this one is also looking pretty good, and I have used this one in my project.

Getting and Using Component Code

So if you really want to utilize any component, all you have to do is to click on this “Get Code,” and here you will find all the code. So this is the HTML if you were building your dApp using HTML, not using any framework. All you have to do is to simply copy this code, and you can utilize in your portion wherever you want in your application. This is the entire CSS file, so what I will do, I have already utilized this component in one of my projects which will come very soon.

Upcoming Project Overview

So what I will do, I’ll come back here and this is the project which I’m currently working on. So it’s going to be a part of one of courses, and that will focus directly to the context management and how the Redux and how the API we can work with, okay. So that’s going to be the motive of this entire project.

Movie Review Application Demo

So I hope you guys will enjoy. I’ll make a detailed video on this, that how, what are the things you will learn if you will take in the course, okay. So this is where I have utilized it. So let me show you the application. So this is the project actually, it’s a movie review application.

App Navigation and Features

So you can simply browse through these different categories. So that’s, it’s going to be a part of my one of the paid courses which in that we’ll focus mostly on the API section, that how you can deal with API, how we can manage the state. So you can simply browse through different pages, you have paginations.

Theme Toggle Implementation

So right now you can see that this is the one which I have included. So you can see that it has light and dark mode, and this is the component I have exactly used in this. So right now I haven’t attached any function but you can see how easily I have utilized this compared here.

Code Integration Steps

So all I did, I simply grab this code, grab the CSS and I have utilized in my component section. So if I take you back in my code, so here you can see this is the company I have built. So this is the one toggle wanna have and that I have paste the CSS and this is the CSS file. I have done nothing, no changes here, all I have done that I have modified these spaces, yeah okay, and that’s working fine.

Exploring UI Components and Effects

So I can easily able to utilize in my project, this looks amazing. So there is a tons of thing which you can explore. So all the things you will find here, this is the amazing button you have, this is the ratio, this is the over effect, this is the universal, this one it looks amazing, and if you scroll down this is the loading button we have and tons of things there, okay.

Smart Development Through Component Reuse

So the only motive I have for making this video is that you guys should have to know that the component, the material is already there. All you have to do is to know that how you can utilize it in your project and that’s called smart development. It’s not always necessary that you have to build everything from scratch, find an existing code.

Learn By Modifying Existing Code

All you have to do is to utilize that code, analyze it, do the modifications and utilize in your project. That’s what I recommend most of the time because in that day you will add something from your end, you will learn more, okay. So make sure whenever you get any project, try to find out that what are the resources is available to you and how you can utilize those resources in your project. Don’t try to write every single thing from scratch, okay.

Check Out These Amazing Resources

So must tell you to come and check this out, this is absolutely amazing and as you can see how easy it is to utilize in your project.